Chapter 13: the return

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Lawrence's POV:
Me, Summer and Tomika were walking in the halls when we heard Asher and some of his friends talking about School of Rock and singing our song. Tomika walked over and said something.
T: "are you talking about School of Rock?"
A: "yeah, they're amazing,"
T: "yeah have you seen their video?"
A: "yeah, it's going viral,"
S: "it is?"
A: "yeah, look," he said showing us the millions of views."
Freddy, Esme and Zack came round the corner and we ran over to them. Summer and Tomika ran over and kissed Zack and Freddy because they were so excited.
F&Z: "wow, what's this?"
L: "school of rocks new music video has went viral,"
F: "really?!"
T: "yes," Freddy lifted her up and spun her around. I hugged Esme pulling her in tight and placed a kiss on her lips, our FIRST kiss.
S: "was that your first kiss?" I could tell I was blushing and so was Esme.
E: "yeah,"
F: "congrats bro," Freddy says pulling me into a bro hug.

Zack's POV:
Summer dragged me to the corner, I think she is going to talk about the fact that she kissed me earlier, I liked it, I still really like her and she was my first but it's still upsetting she didn't trust me.
S: "I need to talk to you, I'm sorry I kissed you, I don't know what came over me,"
Z: "it's okay,"
S: "actually wait, I do know what came over me, I still love you, I love you, you were my first and that will always make you special even if you don't believe me or that we can't remember it. I...
Before she could finish I pulled her into a quick daring kiss.
Z: "back together?"
S: "just stop talking," she said kissing me.
Z: "is that a yes?
S: "No,"
Z: "what?"
S: "I'm joking, of course,"
T&F: "Finally,"
S: "we can go on double dates again,"
T: "oh, do you mind breaking up again?"
We all laughed.
Z: "never,"

Tomikas POV:
I walked to my locker and saw someone I never thought I would see.
T: "Josh, I thought you moved away,"
J: "well I'm back,"
T: " today's been going so well, I should've known you were back."
J: "I guess I'm still your good luck charm then,"
T: "always,"
All the guys walk out and Freddy runs over to josh,
F: "Josh,"
J: "Freddy,"
F: " T, this is why everything is going so good today,"
J&T&F: "good luck charm,"
MF: "what's going on?"
T: "guys, this is josh, he is our oldest friend.
F: "and our good luck charm."
J: "Hi,"
MF: "I'm Mr Finn,"
Z: "I'm zack,"
S: " I'm Summer,"
L: " I'm Lawrence,"
E: " and I'm Esme,"
J: "well hi,"
T: "you, me and Fred, skatepark after School?"
T: "yep and I'm going to be 10x better,"
F: "don't get too cocky princess, you know I'll be better."
T: "I doubt that babe."
J: "wait, what?! Princess? Babe? WHAT?!"
S: "they're dating,"
J: "Tomika, so you didn't think about anything I said before I left, all the texts."
T: "I'm so sorry,"
F: "what is it?"
J: "before I left I told T how I felt, we have spoke everyday ever since I left 8 years ago,"
F: "what do you mean 'how you felt',"
T: "he told me he loved me,"
Everyone gasped.
F: "you what now?"
T: "he told me he loved me 8 years ago,"
J: "but 8 years didn't change anything,"
T: "oh no,"
F: "come on, cut it out we've been mates forever,"
J: "yeah but it doesn't change how I feel,"
J: "I've got to go, bye"
Why does nothing go right for me?

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