Randy- Scars in my heart

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Rye's POV

Recently my childhood best friend Tommy passed away and it broke me. I don't let anyone see the weak and broken part of me. I hide it away until it all bursts out. Even my boyfriend Andy has never seen that part of me.

I let my friend Tommy's death affect me a lot and I closed myself off to everyone, even Andy. I haven't even told anyone about Tommy's death, I've locked myself in my room only going to get food but always when the boys were out or asleep. It just hurts so much, he was my first very friend and the first person I told I was gay.

Andy's POV

I'm really worried about Rye. He hasn't come out of his room in nearly 2 weeks. I think he was going to the kitchen for food at night, he couldn't survive without food for this long. The only reason I know he is alive is because I can hear his quiet sobs at night before I go to bed. Every night I've sat outside his bedroom for at least an hour trying to talk to him or even just listening to him breathing.

*Time skip- 2 weeks*

It's been 4 weeks since I last saw Rye and I'm really panicking now. I decided to stay up tonight until Rye came for food.

It's currently 2AM and I'm watching Titanic, mine and Rye's favourite movie. I heard a noise from behind me and looked to see Rye coming in the kitchen. He didn't see me so I got up and walked over to him. I lightly touched his arm to not scare him but get his attention. He turned around to look at me and I could see the tear stains on his face.

Rye's POV

I heard footsteps behind me, I knew it was Andy but I didn't turn around. He lightly touched my arm and I hesitated to turn around but I did. He looked at my face and saw the tear stains and he immediately hugged me. 'What happened Rye?' He asked softly. I just burst out crying into his shoulder.

I started to sob out my words trying to tell him but he told me to try and calm down first. I controlled my sobs and started to explain. After I explained everything he just hugged me tighter. 'Rye, I'm always going to be there for you, you could've told me what was wrong and I would have helped you through it,' he said into my ear soothingly. ' I love you' I said quietly barely above a whisper, Andy still understood what I said. 'I love you to my love, now get some sleep.' He dragged me to the sofa and I cuddled up to him while he played with my hair and I fell asleep. I knew Andy would help me through the rest of the grief and also the funeral.


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