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"Gosh! Are we there yet?" For the billion time Alex ask us.

He been so god annoying ever since we left and I just want to kill him.

"Beta! Vanessa home isn't for another two hours" Tyson hiss at Alex.

"Why do you have to live so far?" Alex whines to me.

"Well I didn't know the kidnapper took me this far. I was knock out the whole way" I talk 'duh' to him.

It been already two hours and we're only half ways there. It going dark already and we are behind schedule, that what Tyson keeps saying. Alex been making us stop for bathroom breaks and lunch/dinner breaks. He such a brat.

"Well that will never happen again. With me around, nobody except me and Tyson will come near you or touch you at all." he sound so tough and protected.

"Whatever " I roll my eye and look outside. I watch as we pass some trees and cars while Tyson and Alex keep blabbing about something, until my vision became blurry and the trees and cars started to disappear.

Not again.

I was standing in the middle of the woods and it was super dark and scary.

"Where she go!"

"Find her!"


"Come back here!"

I heard yelling and leaves rustling around me.

I saw a figure go right pass me and I follow it.

I don't know where this speed came from but I was faster than I'm usually am.

I saw a women figure running and looking around while carrying something. It was too dark for my vision to see who it was.

"Rose! Come back!" I heard the same voice yelling.

Rose? Mom!

It was my mom that was running. She survive the fall, thank goodness.

She keep running and running, panicking and fearing that the wise men might catch her. I eventually caught up with her and tried to catch her attention. But it was useless, I was a ghost and she can't see me.

"Don't worry Ariana, I will protect you from them. They can't control us." my mom whisper to baby me and keep running.

She eventually reach some sort of high way and saw a bright light coming.

"Stop!" my mom ran to the middle of the street,wave her arm and tried to grab the driver attention.

It wasn't going slower but actually faster. The light became bigger and bigger.


"Are you ok babe?" I heard Alex voice and my mom, the car, and the light disappear and going back to the trees and car.

"What?" I turn back and look at them.

"I was telling you what is our story to tell your parents?" Tyson ask.

I really never thought of that. What am I going to tell my parent and Jerry.

"Oh! I have an idea!" Alex yelp up.

"What?" I ask him.

"How about we are orphans and Vanessa here volunteer to keep us with her just until Tyson here turn 18. Which will be in two weeks." Alex tells us.

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