What did we do?!

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The picture above is Tyson Lopez. He is so hot.

"Mhhhhh" I moan as I turn to my side. Why is my bed so warm? And it feel a little small this morning.

I open my eye and wish I didn't. Tyson was next to me, his face facing mine, and it was super close. He was snoring but he was sleeping so peacefully.

Omg, what am I doing next to him in bed? I look under the sheet, and was surprise. What did we do?!

"Good morning doll" Tyson stretch out and open his eyes. He had a smile and kiss my forehead.

"Hey" I freak out and couldn't say anything else.

"What wrong?" he ask with a concern face.

"What did we do last night?" I don't remember much what happen after me and Frankie... breaking up. Just only helping Alex in the room and getting everyone out.

"You don't remember?" Tyson ask.

"Not at all. But how did it end like this" I sat up but cover the blanket over my chest.

"I told you I like you and I kiss you. You kiss me back and things got hot" he lean in to kiss me but I back up a little.

"Tyson, I like you but what about our friendship? How our arrangement here? Omg! How would Alex feel about this?" I cover my mouth and rock back and forth. Alex is Beta and he care for Tyson like a friend. But if he find out Tyson slept with me, nobody would be able to stop Alex from killing Tyson.

"Ok Vanessa, calm down." Tyson started to wrap his arm around me but I push away.

"I can't Tyson. I like you too much for Alex to find about this." I jump off of bed and collect my clothes from the floor.

"But he will found out by the odor surrounding you. My scent is all over you and he will know something happen between us." Tyson stand up and walk toward me.

"Omg Tyson, your right" I grab my clothes and ran to the bathroom in the hallway.

I turn on the shower and hoped in. I wash my body with hot water and let the scent go away.

"That will not help. It will surround you all day" Tyson yelled threw the bathroom door.

"Oh come on!" I quickly turn the water off and grab a towel. I open the bathroom door and let Tyson in.

"What will we do then? I can't be away from Alex all day." I walk back and forth while Tyson was brushing his teeth.

"I don't know. But I would fight Alex just to be with you"

"I got an idea. I'll ran around in the forest behind my house. Its about five miles wide and I could hide there for the day. And you could go and get food from the store and that will keep you away from Alex since he doesn't like grocery shopping."

"Vanessa, I can't let you do that. Me or Alex have to be near you all day. During school is ok but we can't let you in the forest by yourself." Tyson becomes all protective all secure for me.

"Please Tyson." I beg him and hold his hand. "Nothing will happen to me. I will have my phone which has a GPS on it. You will know where I am. I can't let Alex find this out" I tighten the hold and he seem to buy it. Damn I'm good.

"Fine but only today and that's it" He sigh and agree to my plan.

"Yes" I hug him and think that might be a bad idea. I heard a small growl from Tyson meaning he like the hug too much.

"Sorry. I better go and get my clothes on." I walked out the bathroom and slowly into my room. I look at my bed and see Alex is still asleep. Good.

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