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Ring ring

The last period bell ring and I rushed out of history so I could get to the locker first so I don't change in front of the other girls. I'm not ashamed of my body but I prefer to change in privacy.

I ran across the student body in the hall way and ran outside to go to the locker door in the back of the school. I was about to make it until someone grab my arm and I turn around quickly.

"Come on Vanessa, we need to go home" Alex pulls my arm and pulls me away from the locker. No! So close.

"Alex let go. I have practice right now" I pulled away and he look at me strange.

"Practice for what?" He raise an eyebrow.

"For track"

"Is that like a horse thing or what?" He tilt his head to the left.

"No, it a sport where we run to race. The first person to cross the yellow ribbon win'

"Isn't that cheating for you since your a vampire/werewolf. You were born fast" he gave me a smirk face.

I never thought of that. Am i cheating because i'm not like everyone else. Is that why I'm faster than all the others?

"What ever Alex I still have practice and I need to go. You and Tyson go back home and try to find something to eat. I will be home at 7" I turn around but Alex grab me again.

"How about we stay and watch you practice? Me and Tyson have nothing else to do but protect you and also my wolf doesn't want to leave you" he gave the puppy eyes and I couldn't look away. Damn these puppy eyes!

"Fine but you and tyson wait over in the bleachers. I need to go and change" I pulled away and ran into the locker room.

All the other girl were already there so that mean I have to change in front of them. As I open my locker , I couldn't help but over hear the other girls.

"Omg, did you see those two new guy today. They are super hot"

"I know, I wish I could kiss the brown hair guy lips. They are so kissable." She was talking about Tyson since Alex is blond.

Tyson lips are kissable. I thought to myself. What am I thinking? He is some guy I barely know and I'm thinking about kissing him.

"But that blond guy muscle are so big and sexy. I wish I got to talk with him but he just ignore everyone. Making him super hot and popular."

"Fuck yeah, and I heard the blond guy wanted to fight with Frankie today because they were fighting over Vanessa"

"Lucky girl, but I heard she taking care of them for community service"

"Damn, that would be hard to resist kissing both guys. Their both hot"

"I wouldn't mind doing community service if it get me two hot guys" then they burst into giggle.


I change really fast into my running short and tank top and ran outside to the tracks.

I look up to the bleacher and saw two girls trying to talk with Tyson and Alex but they were looking down to where I was standing

"Track team! Huddle up!" I turn around and coach Griffth was coming to the track. I jog up to her and so did every one else.

"Ok, we'll have a warm up of five jogging laps. Then to challenge your speed, we'll have a speed race of 4 laps to see who will race next track race. ok?" she tell us.

"Yes Coach!" we scream like soldiers.

"Ok then. Who are we!"


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