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Picture above is the almighty Beta Alexander Mateo. Hope give you an image of him.

"So Vanessa? How are you and your boyfriend Frankie?" Alex ask while on our way to school.

After this long weekend, I didn't want to hear his name anymore. But Alex still attempt to get together with me.

"Leave her alone Beta. She had a hard time this weekend with her uncle and her other uncle." Tyson comes to the rescue and defend for me.

Yesterday, I told Alex and Tyson about meeting with my Vampire uncle, Daniel. I wanted to know if what he was saying was true, the human attacked being blamed on vampire and me being used to defeat the vampire clan. They explain me the whole situation that they were lying to me and I shouldn't believe them. Alpha King Roy told me over the phone that Daniel is mad that they killed his brother for a werewolf crime so he wanted to kill revenge on my mother and me. But once Daniel found out I was a hybrid, he knew about the legend so he wanted me on his army and avenge his brother death. He lied about the blood bank and the battle stadium. I felt bad I misdoubted Tyson and Roy, their the good guy and they only wanted to protect me from Daniel. That why they never talk about my father, they feared I wanted to know my father past and his family.

"I know she been threw a lot Tyson but it just a question. Not a interview. So, how are you and Frankie?" Alex stick his tough out to Tyson and faced me.

"We broke up" I straight out said it. Not waiting to keep a secret it or anything.

"What? Who ever want to leave you? Your the most beautiful girl ever"

I look at Alex and see he really meant those words. His blue eyes sparkled and his dimple were showing.

"You only said it because I'm your mate and you love me no matter what" I look away.

"But you are beautiful, how could anyone not resist you." Alex put his hand on my shoulder and made me shiver. Damn this mate bond.

'Are you really believing him?' Tyson mind link me with discuss in his voice.

'He trying Tyson. Beside, I'm his mate, I'm weak to his touch.'

'You were weak to my touch' I hear his smirk threw the mind link and I shake my head.

'One time thing Tyson. It was foolish of us.' I explain to him for the million time. He will not let this go.

"What got you two so quiet?" Alex interrupted us.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing" I respond and grab Alex hand.

He was shocked a little when I grab his hand but his expression change with a smile and he hold my hand threw the rest of the ride. Alex has really been trying, maybe I might give him another chance.

I told you! He loves us and will do anything to have us back with him! Misty voice pops up.

It's been a while since you last talk with me. I said to misty.

Yeah because I was mad that you were with Frankie and not Alex. But I did came back to see your little hook up with solider boy right there. She giggle and laugh inside my head.

Shut up! It was a mistake and something not meant to be! I scream at her in anger.

Hey hey, clam down. I get how your feeling about what happen but it was nice. He was gentle with us and he cares. He really love us.

Do you want Alex or Tyson? You can't have both Misty.

Alex is our mate. His wolf love me and Alex love you. I prefer Alex but don't cold shoulder Tyson like he was a one night stand. He is still our friend and guard. Treat him right. Misty then shut out, leaving me to think how I been treating Tyson.

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