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"Pregnant? But how?" I ask myself over and over, crying on Alex chest while he comfort me.

"I guess when we made love, it was the perfect time to make a baby. It was a accident but this baby will be a beautiful one." Alex brush my hair and whisper in my ear.

"But I'm still young" I cried out and sniffle my nose from the disgusting boogie running down my nose.

"But this is great Vanessa. We're going to start a family together. My mate is pregnant with my baby. This will bring us more closer." He pull me back and made me look up to his eye. They shine with sparkle blue and with happiness. "I love you Vanessa and this is the best way for you to show your love for me. Your carrying my baby" He lean in and kiss with me with so much passionate, I was suffocating from it.

Yes! Our mate is happy! Misty yelp with happiness and bounce around in my head.

"What's going up in here? Is everything ok Vanessa?" Tyson shows up and stop at the bathdoor way.

"Tyson! My man! You could be the god father" Alex said with excitement and with a smile.

"Godfather? Whats going on?" Tyson had a confuse face. I don't know how to tell him this.

"Vanessa is pregnant! I got to tell my mother" Alex ran out the bathroom and went to who know where.

Tyson mouth snap open and hang like he saw a ghost or something.

"Tyson please talk to me" I beg him but he keep his stare at me. I needed him to tell me everything was ok. I didn't want to be alone at this moment.

"Are you sure?" He finally said something and help me up from the toilet.

"I missed my period and I been throwing up lately. But I don't get it, me and Alex had sex four days go and now I'm pregnant. Why so quickly?" It take a women to get pregnant in two week but Alex was the only one I been in-

"Oh gosh" I fell back but Tyson catch me in his arm.

"What? What happen?" he ask slowly leading me out the bathroom and into my bed.

"How long ago did we- you know." I ask not saying the 's' word out loud.

"About two weeks ago" Tyson sat me down and sat next to me.

"And how long does it take for a girl to get pregnant?"

"About two-" He stop when he realize my question. "oh gosh. Vanessa, that baby not Alex's is it?" He hold tight on my hand and I shook my head.

"Oh my gosh" he gasp and almost pass out.

"How is Alex going to feel? He will go insane when he find out the baby isn't his but really your" From one night mistake, me and Tyson came to the perfect timing to accidentally get me pregnant.

"Well he can't tell the baby isn't his since the baby is very young. But once its born, he will see it doesn't look like him and he will be rage" Tyson explain, holding tight on my hand.

"We must never tell him Tyson. I can't have this baby being the cause of Alex and your feud. I want the baby to raise in a happy home."

"And without me in the picture" Tyson said, dropping his face.

"No Tyson, I still want you around. More like a uncle thing then just the real father who left. I want you to be in our family" I wrap my hands around Tyson and made him look up. "I still like you Tyson and this baby will be raise by you and Alex. Alex must never know but you will still be in the baby life" This is a lot to think and ask for Tyson but I still want him in our life and I don't want him to think I don't want him no more. I rather be with Tyson than Alex but this bond will always keep me with Alex and his wolf.

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