Chapter Sixteen- You've got Blackmail

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Froakie stiffened. " What does she have for us?" He asked the Machamp. " And you were threatened by Ace?" Pip questions. Froakie noticed how Fennekin moved closer to Pip. Pip moved close to the Machamp. Rip.

" Well, she told me to send you a message. I kept forgetting it, so she gave me this piece of paper for you." Machamp explains to them as he reaches into one of his armpits and pulled out a stinky piece of paper.

He handed it to Poppy. " Here." He told them. "Read it please. Ace threatened my life if you don't read this. She has eyes everywhere around here. What a stalker- I mean thoughtful lady." Machamp half insults as Poppy read through the letter.

She gasps. " Is this blackmail? Ace is threatening us?" She asks. " Give me that!" Fennekin growled as she snatched the piece of paper from the female Popplio. Her eyes scanned through the paper.

" What a coward. Couldn't even tell us this herself. Had to threaten a nice Machamp in order to get this to us." Fennekin snarls with venom. Froakie grabbed the paper. Yada yada yada, threat to her plans. Blah blah telling them to stop or she will bring them pain.

Wait, what's this? Froakie asks himself as he peers through the sentence he just read once more. " She says that she will brainwash us if we stop her? What the Mew is this shit?" Froakie cursed. Cubone tilted her head. " So you guys fought this lady before?" She asks them.

Treecko places a paw on her shoulder. " Yeah. She's an annoying bird. She tried forcing Pikachu into a song battle. She's weird." He told her. She nodded in understanding. " What exactly does she mean by brainwashing? I think she's the one who's brainwashed." Litten meowed as he leapt on the counter, finding a Miltank Burger there.

He sank his fangs into it. " Hey that's mine!" A Tyrogue shouted. Litten glimpsed at the angry female. " Not anymore." He tells her, licking the burger. " That cost me some good money!" She yells.

" Whoops." Litten commented. He pulled out some pokecoins and pressed them into her mad hands. " Thank you." The Tyrogue said with satisfaction.

" Well, she's crazy if she thinks we will just let her take over the world." Treecko sternly told Machamp. " I'm super sorry about what I've done. Your Rockruff friend doesn't have to work here anymore. But I do expect you to stay a while." Machamp told them.

He seated them in stools. " What? But why must we stay? We were having fun on the beach." Fennekin states as she gets a little mad at the Machamp's actions. " Don't get mad. I have a good reason to keep You heroes here." He tells them as he takes his position behind the table. He then expressed why he wanted the Pokefriends to stay there with him.

" You may all have a free moomoo milk shake on the house. This group of yours sounds very nice. I would join it, but I have to take care of this shack. I know!" Machamp rambled as he grabbed a card.

Froakie licked his lips. Moomoo Milkshakes? And on the house! Yes! Being a hero is awesome! Froakie thought as he prepared himself for a milkshake.

Machamp handed Pikachu the card. " That's my number in case you need me for a Pokémon battle. I have ways of getting to battles anywhere, so you don't need to worry about how I will get there." Machamp explains to them with a smile on his face.

" Thanks." Pikachu thanked with a smile on her face. " Now gimme a milkshake!" Eevee barked as his tail wagged. Machamp chuckled as he went to a shake machine. " Easy there, foxy. I know you used to work for Ace. You will get yours when I am good and ready." Machamp tells him.

Eevee groaned. " Does everyone here hate me?" He whines. " Yes!" Fennekin sassed as she sat on the stool next to Pip. On purpose. Froakie pondered. Machamp chuckles once more. He focuses on making the milkshakes the very best he could.

His face shows signs of sweat and he wipes his face off as he prepares the first one and places it in front of Pikachu. " Ladies first." He tells the drooling Froakie and Treecko. " But I'm a lady too!" Fennekin howls in outrage.

" I don't see a lady. I see a fox." Machamp says. " Patience. You will all get the milkshakes you deserve." He tells them. " So did Ace threaten you with your life?" Poppy questions him. Machamp glances back at her.

He shook his head. " She threatened my family. My two little girls. My wife. My cousin too. Surprisingly, I didn't care about the cousin. But she threatened my girls. If she didn't have a sword with her, I would have Seismic Tossed her all the way to the outlands. Where all the outlaws are kicked to from time to time." He explains to them.

Froakie wasn't surprised that his children were threatened. He was just surprised that lady whacko never threatened any of his family. Then again she did just threaten to brainwash them.

But she couldn't possibly brainwash all of them at the same time. Froakie knew that. " Oh. That's so sad." Cubone sadly said with her head down. She was handed a milkshake next. Then one was handed to Poppy. " Am I last?" Fennekin asked. " Last female yes, but Eevee is last. That will teach the brute not to trust that Staraptor." Machamp explains.

Eevee groans. After everyone got their milkshake and chatted with the older Pokémon, they all left. The beach wasn't so bad. But of course, sometimes the peacefulness of what it seems to be can be deceiving.

The Pokefriends all had gotten another night of rest, not knowing what would become of one of them in the morning. Well, not exactly morning.

But let's not get too ahead of ourselves just yet, shall we? They were all preparing to go to sleep. " Should we take that brainwashing thing seriously?" Pikachu asked in fear. " Naw. It's all empty threats. Don't listen to that faker." Treecko tells them as they all went to sleep. Little did they know they were being watched. Ace laughs evilly.

Authors note: So that's chapter sixteen. Oh no! Will all of them be brainwashed? Or is Ace faking the threat? Or will it just be one? Hmm? Tell me what you thought.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Froakie

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







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