Chapter Fourty Three- Glimmend is Arrested?

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It ended up being Pikachu who ended the whole hugging fest. " Bye. Enjoy the after life." Treecko said with a wave. He presses the button and they all disappear.

The scene in front of them was familiar. They were back. Glimmend kidded the ground. " I'm so glad we are back! Thanks poke-weirdos, I guess, for sort of helping back there."  Glimmend caws as she tries to sneak away. " Yeah, you're still arrested." Goofball stated. Harley was the one who held their dead comrade. Glimmend pouted and folded her wings. " What I get for helping you guys escape." She huffed. " Helped us escape? You were the one who wasn't touched. I'm pretty sure that you are the only one who ran away from that purple guy!" Litten points out.

Glimmend rolled her eyes. " You hid behind everyone else like the true coward you are." Fallar barked at her. They surrounded her. " Now, easy guys.  Isn't it just good that I learned a lesson here?" She laughed nervously. Things turned over quickly for her. One minute they were working together, the next She was being cornered like they were the animatronics themselves. Which that isn't true, as they aren't steel types.

" You are going to get more than one lesson when I'm done." Treecko growled, cracking his knuckles. " Oh dear." Glimmend said with a gulp. She squawked as some began to chase her. She deserves it, but we probably shouldn't worry about that right now, Frogadier thought with a smile.

" We should probably apprehend her for now." Paarthurnax said. " You will never apprehend me! Haha!" Glimmend shouted as she threw a smoke bomb on the ground. Frogadier snorted with amusement as the smoke bomb cleared and she was still there. " You're supposed to run when you set it off." Litten informed her.

Goofball put pokecuffs on her. " You are going to jail for a really long time." He began, before the ground underneath him exploded. " Okay, either that was the remnants of the smoke bomb, or..." Prinplup began before a piece of pie was thrown in her face. " Who did that?!" Frogadier cried out, as the others laughed.

He checked the surroundings near him. He listened carefully. He was suddenly pelted with a Bullet Seed. He had no idea where it came from. He looked around him. A voice laughed. " You seem confused. It's just a new flying type pal." She cawed with lots of boughtful laughter.

Frogadier growled. He grit his teeth as his eyes caught sight of her. " Ace." He snarled with venom. " A-Ace?!" The Starter Squad all asked. Ace flapped down to meet them with her usually Pidgeot and Honchkrow. But she also had a new addition.

Frogadier recognizes the new Pokémon. It too was a flying type that could learn Bullet Seed. The Pokémon was a Toucannon. She looked angry at them. " These are the ugly Pokémon who ruined your plan, sister?" The Toucannon asked, using Beak Blast without a reason to. The only real reason that Frogadier could see was hate. Pure hate.

" They won't If you help me, sister Burst." Ace addresses her. Frogadier's mouth fell. This Toucannon was Ace's sister? Frogadier wondered. How the heck did that happen? Never mind I don't wanna know, he thought. Burst nodded. " Pesky good pokemon. Good for nothin'." Burst commented, before making a screechy noise that blasted all the Pokémon back.

Ace approaches Glimmend. She grabs her by her head. " You are coming with me. I want an invention that will take over the world, and you won't get in my way." Ace growls to Glimmend. That made the shiny gulp.

Glimmend nodded. " Good. The Pokémon world is as good as mine. And you won't stop it. You will join me." Ace said, walking away with the starter. " Well, there goes the criminal." Goofball began. " Shut up, Balls." Harley addresses him. That makes some of the Pokefriends snicker.

Paarthurnax roars with frustration. " We had her!" He roared. He then punched a tree and it cracked in half. " Sir. Calm down. We will find this Ace and Burst and capture all three. Or was it five? Yeah, five. We can do this!" Goofball told him. Paarthurnax sighed. " I suppose you're right. But, there's going to have to be a miracle in order for us to capture them now."

They all followed the footsteps of the criminal. Paarthurnax had let them come because he thought they would be a good substitute for some other really powerful Pokémon. That was a compliment.

They were in an open area in the forest. Ace laughed. " You're no match for us, Poke-jerks. You and your buddy squad. You would lose even with arceus on your side." Ace tells them. Then an extreme battle started there.

Frogadier leaps into the air. He immediately gets defeated with Bullet Seed. Burst is more powerful than I thought. He pondered as he slammed into the ground and fainted. Frogadier didn't know what happened from there.

When he woke up he saw a muscular Pokémon. " Wha?" He questions. Machamp turns back to him. " You all lost the battle." He informed him. He looked around. They were in an infirmary.

Frogadier nodded. He glimpses at Prinplup. She was pretty badly beaten as well. Her eye was swollen. Treecko had broken his arms. And from there the injuries were all still pretty bad. Frogadier winces. We really underestimated them? He questioned. Then he realized something.

Burst must be the most powerful, either that or they had a miracle. Either way, we cannot go back into battle without either training or...Frogadier thought. Idea! He thought. He jerked upward. He clutched his head as pain pulsed through him.

He waited until the rest awoke. " Did we really get beaten that badly?" Pikachu asked. " I thought we would have won. We usually do." Fallar barked. " This must be a fluke. Bad never beats good." Servine states.

" We need to go back and defeat them this time, but how can we do that if we all get beaten?" Treecko questions. " I think we can help you with that." Someone familiar said approaching them.

Authors note: Who's that? Who's that? Who's that? Who do you think came back? And who's we? Tell me what your thoughts are. And yes, there is some sort of tv show or movie reference in there somewhere. there might be more than one reference. Yes, we are nearing the end. We are practically at the finale right now and there will be a epilogue. And then I'll work on the sequel.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







Frank- Scyther

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