Chapter Twenty Two- I've got a Struggling Treecko

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" He still at it?" " Yep." " He's been doing that all day." " Just be glad he isn't Giratina." That right there is the conversation that went on between Eevee and Pip. Now, they were all trying to think of ways to keep Treecko from struggling.

Or, well, they were trying to help him remember. Nothing seemed to work. The brainwashing seemed too deep. And that seemed to worry Cubone a lot, Servine noted. If Servine didn't know better, she would thought that Cubone was having the l word right now. And worry.

" Okay," Pikachu began. " Who will come with me to pick our lunch?" Eevee immediately bounced and shouted, " I will! I will!" He yipped as he ran around in little circles.

Servine didn't really trust the Pokémon. Then again most of the Pokémon here didn't trust the filthy fox. Servine then wondered how Piplup and Froakie's mission was going. Were they already finding the Psychic type, or were they messing around playing?

Servine shook her head. She shouldn't worry about this. She is from another dimension. She should be worried about getting home? Right? But she couldn't help but think about Charmander. She was so quick to go home. Servine realized something. She and Charmander were a lot more alike than she original thought.

But...leaving that soon was not what she had in mind. She enjoyed being here. She wasn't like that weird Charmander. Plus, she enjoyed this evolved form. She thinks. Oh back to the lunch mission.

" Sorry, Eevee. I'm afraid you would just eat all the berries like last time someone brought you to gather some." Pikachu informed him. That was when Cubone went up to Treecko. Treecko struggled against the strong rope they had him bound up in. Cubone looked upset. " Don't struggle. We're going to help you get your memory back." She told him.

She had tears in her eyes. Servine believed that Cubone only truly trusts Treecko at this point. And Pikachu. Everyone else was controversial. And with Treecko not remembering anyone or who he once was, that seemed tough on the poor lonely female. She doesn't really trust pikachu too much. She likes her, and that's about it.

She never seemed too trusting of Servine herself. She didn't blame the bone headed Pokémon for not trusting many. Her mother was slain right before her eyes, so it must be kind of strange surrounding yourself with Pokémon you've never been around.

At that moment Pikachu noticed her distress and waved with a paw. " Cubone! Can you help me gather lunch please?" She politely asks Cubone. Cubone practically football ran over to Pikachu and nods a little shyly. Pikachu grabs a basket and indicates for Cubone to follow.

Cubone seems to hesitate a little. But then she follows Pikachu and the two go off in search of their lunch. Eevee groaned. He held his stomach. " I could have really gone with her." He said. " And eat up our lunch? No thanks. I'd rather not have spit on my Pecha Berry Thanks." Fennekin sassed.

" It's a good thing you didn't go with her. This will give everyone one less reason to hate you." Pip tells him. He groans. " But I really wanted first pick." He stated, patting his stomach.

" Drama queen." Servine huffed. That was when Treecko struggled against the ropes some more. " Do that some more and I'll bitch slap you silly." Servine threatened. That only made Treecko struggle even more.

" Here. Have some bitch lasagna." Litten commented as he placed a plate of random lasagna, that was totally rotten by now, in front of Treecko. " What the heck is bitch lasagna?" Alolan Raichu asked with confusion on his face.

" The answer you seek is in the archives." Litten meowed strangely. " You're weird." Servine noted. " My specialty." Litten replied, swooshing his top fur.

At that, Treecko broke free of his bonds. " Oh shit. You're in trouble." Eevee cooed. Treecko began to dash away from the Pokefriends. He began to speak into his wrist for some odd reason. " Ace, I'm being held prisoner by my own prisoners!" He exclaimed. " Well, at least he didn't forget about the Buzz quotes." Litten sarcastically meowed as they all began to chase the weird grass type.

He was weird even if he wasn't remembering who he was. Treecko skidded to a halt as Fallar sprung out of a bush. He raced another way. He came face to face with Eevee; who was making this a game in servine's eyes as he wagged his tail and tried pouncing on the gecko.

Treecko dodges the playful attacks from Eevee and that's when he ran into Pip. He smirks. He hits Pip with a Leaf Blade, knowing he was super effective against the seal water type. Pip squeaks at the suddenness of the attack. He got sent back against the ground, skittering.

He had a bad bruise on his cheek. That pissed off Fennekin. " Don't you dare hurt my hubby!" She barked. Hubby? What the distortion world is wrong with this female in general? I'm glad I'm not in love with anyone. That sounds totally gross now.

And with that, excluding all the fake vomiting and confusion, Fennekin used Flameflower. Treecko squealed in pain as the fire engulfed him. Treecko fainted. Everyone glares at Fennekin. " What? He was attacking Pip, thinking that a super effective advantage would work. It didn't. Well, for me it did." Fennekin boasted.

" I would rather that you don't hurt Treecko." Litten told her. " It was totally uncalled for, Fennekin. Uncool." Fallar barked. " Now we will have to heal his body as well as his mind. Now would be a good time for Froakie and Piplup to return." Poppy pointed out.

That was when Cubone and Pikachu returned. " What happened?!" Pikachu asked sternly, gaze traveling over to Treecko before flickering over to Eevee, as if she expected him to be the one who did that. Treecko's eyes were super swirly.

" Fennekin burned him to death because he was attacking Pip." Servine told Pikachu. " We can worry about that later. Who wants lunch?" Pikachu asked. " Me!" Servine and everyone else cheered, forgetting about the Treecko's conditions before digging into their lunch.

Authors note: Well it's official. This story has surpassed the chapters for Outlaw. Outlaw was started after this and ended up getting more updates than this. Well, enjoy. Wonder what happened with the other two and Jirachi, hmm.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







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