Chapter Thirty Three- Eevee's Time to Shine

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The Pokefriends tapped their feet on the ground, and whatever would tap the ground. Honchkrow was super slow at breaking his boss free. Eevee realized they could just sneak away and Honchrow would just keep pecking at the ice on his boss' body.

They really could use a fire type now. Eevee thought with an amused look on his face. " Ow my beak!" Honchkrow whines after a while. " It's all cold now!" Those two comments made everyone laugh at him. He glared back at them. " Don't laugh at me, worthless freaks." He tells them. " If we're worthless, then why are you the one who obeys orders from a nincompoop?" Poppy asked him.

He flushes red. " S-She's not a nincompoop, that's you slut-friends." He retardedly told them. " You can't even come up with a decent comeback." Treecko insults him. " And yet, master Ace is the one who made you forget your memories. It's too bad you still have them. Or better yet, it's too bad you're not on our side. You could be way more powerful with us, Treecko." Honchkrow informs him.

Treecko shakes his head. " I was no more powerful with you than I was with them. Friends make you stronger, Honchkrow. Not world domination. Also, you're pecking a block of ice. So that's where world domination got Ace. Straight into freezing temperatures and into a statue." Treecko informs him. Honchkrow snorts at him. " Not the first time I've heard that corney saying." He informs them, pecking at his boss still.

" And while he's distracted," Eevee began. " What?" Honchkrow asked. That was right before Eevee decided that throwing a rock would be the best thing in the world. Eevee was no David, though. The rock just broke through the ice. " Yes! Finally! Thank you!" Honchkrow exclaimed. " My beak was starting to feel frost bitten."

Ace shivered. " I hate you guys." She growled, stretching her wings. She then pressed them closer to her body. " Great. Can't fly. Have to warm wings." She groans. She then locked eyes with Eevee. " You!" She growled. She then ran at him like an ostrich, trying to knock him over with something.

Eevee has no idea what she was up to, until she ran against him. He cried out as he was sent back. Ace was also injured by the attack. That was Take Down. " You Pokebrats have interrupted my plans one too many." She snarled at them as she snorted. Her breath kicked up some dust.

She was like a Tauros here. Her eyes blazed with race and hatred towards the friends. Her red eyes added to the scariness of her figure. " I'll make you all regret this!" She cawed. She clapped her wings. That would be Whirlwind.

But the point of the attack here was to send some to a tree. About half the Pokefriends smacked into a tree because they were either light enough, or weren't expecting the attack. Eevee was expecting everything from this deranged flying type. He heard a squeak.

That doesn't sound good, he thought as swiveled his head. He spotted.... Oh dear Arceus, it's her! He thought with his eyes widening now. She seemed really hurt. Eevee turned his attention back to Ace. He glared at her with a look of determination on his face. He wouldn't let her get hurt any longer.

His tail wagged a little along with his rear end. He pounced toward. Ace stepped out of the way. Eevee crashed into the ground. His ears flattened. He was embarrassed at that. He shook himself off. Ace snickers at him. " You need desperate training, Eevee. But even if you had the training you wouldn't be able to defeat me." Ace taunts him.

Eevee shakes his head. " It's you who needs the lesson, Ace. I realized that o was wrong." Eevee said. He glanced at his paws. He stomped his paws down with a purpose. " I was very wrong to think taking over the world should happen. You should realize that too, boss." He taunts.

That sends Ace reeling. She rolled her eyes. " The world is doomed, Eevee. Accept your fate." She cawed. " That's What all evil Pokémon say until the hero Pokémon show up and beat their sorry butts." Eevee barks with confidence.

" What hero? All I see is a stupid Eevee who can't even get his friends to trust him. And how long have you been together? Months? Hah! Some hero talk from a nobody. You know where you're going? Nowhere! That's where! You're so worthless you won't even go to the Distortion World." Ace told him, so proud of herself.

" Sometimes," Treecko began from behind him. Is he backing me up? Standing up for me? Eevee wondered. Maybe his friends didn't hate him after all. " The best somethings come from nothing." Treecko wisely said.

Ace turned red. " What do you know, gecko?" She growled at him. " I know that this world is a beautiful place. I know that Pokémon take it for granted. I know that most Pokémon want you to stop. I want you to stop. 'Fear leads to the dark side.'" Treecko told her, quoting.

Litten rolls his eyes. " I am not afraid of you silly willy pets!" She cawed. " I never said that. I said that you fear something. Whatever it is, we have the higher ground in this situation." Treecko told her. Why is everyone facepawing themselves at Treecko's speech? Eevee wondered.

" Ugh! You're so infuriating." She growled. She turned around, but that was a bluff. She swiftly turned around and turned white. She swiftly moved towards Pikachu. Oh Arceus no! I won't let you hurt her! He thought. Or so he thought.

He glowed himself. White as well. He slammed into Ace. She cawed as her eyes swirled. Eevee landed on the ground gracefully. He had beat her. His eyes widened. " Ace!" Honchkrow cawed. He then carefully picked up his fallen Comrade and took to the skies. He was falling a little due to the weight of Ace's body. Eevee smiled with satisfaction. He proved his point.

Authors note: Well that's by far my favorite chapter so far. Eevee proves who he is, and I add a Christoper Robin quote and several Star Wars quotes in there. Wynaut, am I right? It proves points. Hope you enjoyed it. Tell me your thoughts.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







Frank- Scyther

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