Chapter Thirty- Servine's Lament and return

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She misses them. It's been months now. She truly missed them. Servine missed them so much. It hurt her to the core to think about it, or even dream about it. Even if it was a nice dream it almost always made her cry.

She had to be honest. She wished she could find a way back. She shouldn't have used that wish. What was the whole point of that, if she was just going to miss her friends? She wondered if her friends missed her. She hoped they would. She hoped they would meet again someday. She couldn't go to school or anything because of them.

She missed them. She had tears in her eyes and she almost always cried. People always asked if she was okay, but it was never the same. Not without her Pokefriends. She would howl with sadness and grief. That was the truth.

And to what gave her more sadness than a talking mouse who spoke of her friends. But of course he also told her there was a way. A way to return. " Who are you?" Servine asked him. The pikachu with a ukulele on his back was right in front of the used to be Servine.
Or at least used to be in the other dimension Servine.

The Pikachu reminded her of her friends back at that world. She sniffed. She was trying not to cry in front of him. " My name is Uku. And I travel through dimensions like you. Unlike you, though, I can travel through dimensions whenever I want. And I'm here to bring you back to your friends back in the world of weak Pokémon. Well, at least compared to me." Uku introduces. Servine gasped. Could this Pokémon really take her back? She wants to go back. That is her new wish now.

" Would you like to go back to them?" The Pikachu asked as his ears twitched. Servine sniffled. " Y-you would bring me back to them?" She questions him with an uncertain look on her face. Uku nodded. " If Glimmend fixed this right, then yes you can go back to your friends." The Pikachu tells Servine. That surprised her.

" Glimmend helped you fix whatever it is you used to get here?" Servine asked with extreme surprise in her eyes. " Yes. But I had to threaten her with a teapot song and a muppet song. It was extremely crazy." Uku explains. Servine nodded. " So do you wish to go back to your friends, Servine?" Uku asked.

" You don't have to ask me! Yes of course I missed them! I couldn't stop thinking about them. I think I never missed someone or anyone in my entire life." Servine told him. Uku nodded as he grabbed Servine's hand. He pressed the button.

The world behind them vanished and a flourishing world of the Pokémon of the now dimension appeared. Pikachu let go of her paw. " Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to the Jedi temple for some Jedi training. Or whatever the heck I was doing before helping you yahoos." Uku said as he pressed the button and a head popped out.

A green troll was there. " Late you are. Finally, you come." They say with strange grammar. Pikachu groaned as he walked towards the dimensional hole. " I know. Sorry, master Yoda. I had to find a way to get back." Uku Said as he walked into the portal and the portal vanished right after he waved goodbye to Servine. She sighed. But...he left her with just herself. She didn't have anyone else. She didn't even know where her friends were.

She started to walk. She called out names. " Fallar?! Frank?! Treecko?! Cubone?!!! Anyone?!!!" She wailed out. I will never find them. She thought in despair.

She walked and tripped over a vine. She grunted. She got up. This was very exasperating. She was sure that Uku could have shown her where her friends were. She started in a direction. Well, she thought. It was better than just standing there doing nothing. She walked, ran, and jogged. She continued the same pace. She wanted to see them. She couldn't wait to see them again.

She smacked into a Pokémon. " Ow! What the heck?! Watch where you are-" the Pokémon began, but then looked at her. In fact they were gawking. Servine's jaw opened. She found them. She found them after like five grueling hours of walking and thinking that she might never see them again.

The Pokémon seemed to freeze. They seemed to be almost breaking down. " You look...exactly like a friend." The Fennekin barked. " That's because it is me, Servine, remember? Certainly you would. You yelled at a Kecleon because they didn't have Charcoal." Servine reminded Fennekin. The Fennekin's jaw dropped. " is you." Fennekin breathed with disbelief.

Then the fox pounced over her in a hug. Her tail wagged. Which that was the first time Servine had ever seen her tail wag in such a friendly way. Or ever. Except for when Pip was close to her. She was such a weird Fennekin, but Servine wouldn't mind even seeing....

There he was...the brown fox who thought he could woo Pikachu her friend. Eevee saw her. His mouth dropped. He raced over to them. " Is it really you?" He yipped. That was when Pikachu walked over. " What is..." Pikachu immediately saw her and raced over and tackled her over in a hug.

Then the sound of many feet could be heard. A crying Cubone ran over and hugged her. Heh. Servine thought. Even the shy Cubone missed her. She gave hugs to everyone and they all cried in happiness. Of course this moment could not last forever, but this was all that counted right now.

She had found her friends. And she missed them so much. " So tell me about your journey so far." She prodded as they all walked together. And the Pokefriends caught her up. They had stopped Ace more times. And it seems as if Glimmend stopped crime for a while. Servine wouldn't have it any other way. It also seemed Eevee and Pikachu were closer. Not much closer, but it was definitely noticed that everyone else was closer.

Authors note: 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😱😱😱😱😱😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁 Servine is back! And it looks like Uku's device wasn't tampered with nor a fake. Could Glimmend have stopped her criminal ways? Or is she just trying to trick the Pokefriends? Tell me your thoughts. Also, we are also about 3/4ths of the way done. 40-50 chapters is how much this will be. So it's getting there.


AlexTheSnivy - Servine

Zippy105 - Fennekin

Firestripe_Firestar - Alolan Raichu

Pikagirl1527 -pikachu

TheTheoryFroakie -Frogadier

LittleLitten11 - litten

@thefiveanimals- Treecko

All the other characters who don't have someone playing them:







Frank- Scyther

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