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I walk off the numb feeling in my feet as we search the forest, all of a sudden I hear the sound of something heavy hitting metal, I put up a hand and everyone who sees it stops. Those ahead keep going so I speak quietly "Everyone stop and shut up." There's silence as I glance around, Cap questions me "What is it?" "I heard something hit metal." He smiles "Maybe one of us did. Everyone take one step forward, turn around, then take five steps forward." We all do so and I hear the sound again, but quieter, I smirk.

There's something under the ground here. Do I hear a secret base?

Everyone bends down and searches the ground below them, Tony speaks "Ah ha! I knew it! Secret base right under our feet!" I sigh and we head over to Tony, he brushes leaves and twigs aside to see metal, Cap claps me on the shoulder "Good job, Nat." Tony speaks "What about me? Don't I get a compliment?" "No." We clear the area of nature to reveal a metal trapdoor, Cap breaks it open and we peer inside. There's a ladder and darkness, those of us who carry flashlights pull them out and turn them on, one by one we make our way down the ladder and wait at the bottom for the others. At the bottom we can see that there are tunnels leading in three different directions, Cap speaks quietly but his voice still echoes "Let's split up, team Alpha will take the left, team Bravo straight ahead and team Charlie right. Alpha will be Buck, Sam and myself. Bravo will be Nat, Barton and Loki. Charlie will be Stark, Banner and Thor. Any problems?" No one complains "Alright, keep in contact and report anything you come across." We all nod and switch who has flashlights so there is at least one per team, we then head in our directions.

Clint, Loki and I silently walk down the dark tunnel, I lead the way with the flashlight. We're walking for ages before we come across a door, Clint speaks "Cap, we've got a door." "Go ahead, tell us what's on the other side, but be careful." "Will do." I grab the wheel and turn it, or at least I try to but it won't budge "I can't get it open." Clint tries and it still won't open "Loki? You want a go?" Loki smiles sightly and grips the wheel, after a turn followed by a loud noise he manages to easily open the door, he then pushes it wide open.

We step through and into a dark room, this room is empty of people and cameras. Looking around we see lots of boxes, they don't seem to have anything important, I speak into my earpiece "We've got a storage room here, nothing special. But it is a way into somewhere else." I walk over to a door and peer through it "There's a door that leads to a staircase going down." "Alright. I've got a door now too, go down the stairs and see what there is."

By the time our team gets to a door I'm panting, super soldiers walk fast and I had to keep up with them, Bucky chuckles at me as Steve speaks to Natasha. Steve then attempts to turn the wheel on the door, but can't, Bucky helps and together they get the door open, on the other side is a room with another door and loads of computers. Sitting on a wheely chair bobbing his head with headphones on, is a man dressed in black, Steve sneaks up behind him and knocks him out "We've got a security room. Charlie, how you getting on?" Stark responds "Nothing yet." Then there's Natasha "There's another corridor down here, 10 doors on either side, each leading into a cell. No prisoners."

So where's the man from earlier? Or maybe that person wasn't working here, just in the right area.

"Anything else?" "There's a door at the end leading into a well-lit corridor, looks more alive in there." Steve thinks for a moment "Get your coordinates and get out of there, head back to the ladder, we're not ready to take on this place just yet if it's this extensive." "Roger that." Our team has a look through the cameras, Steve plugs in a memory stick to see what information we can get from here. I walk over to the door and look through it to see a well-lit corridor with people in black uniforms walking by "Looks like HYDRA to me." I pull out my phone to figure out our coordinates.

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