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My hands hold her wrists against the wall, she's cold to the touch. The first thing I notice is that she's taller than from my dream, but she's still short, the others run over and Steve speaks "What are you doing?" With the woman pinned against the wall her hood has slipped enough for me to see her chin and lips, I ignore Steve and speak to her "Do you know who I am?" She sounds older "Of course, you're the Winter Soldier, the traitor, the-" "I did what was right. I left." She scoffs "You ran because you're weak. The man who trained me was never this weak, even up against little me."

I'm working out in the training room when an Agent walks in "Winter, we have a task for you." I turn to fully face him, I see something standing behind him "This is Lucinda, you'll train her." The Agent steps aside to reveal a short child, it's a girl, she has pale skin and shoulder length brown hair "Are you sure getting me to train her is a good idea?" "I wouldn't underestimate her if I were you." He turns to leave "Lucinda remember, when training with the Winter Soldier you are not allowed to use your powers."


She nods and he walks out, shutting the door behind him, the girl, who's a bit under half my height, walks over to me "Alright kid, let's see what you can do." I kneel down in front of her, my blue eyes meet her dark brown ones "Hit me." She doesn't even hesitate, she punches me straight in the face. I would never admit to anyone that someone not even half my height and still in single digits of age caused me pain, but she did. My eyes widen as I grab my nose, she grins evilly "Alright Lucinda, let's get you trained up."

"Lucinda." "I don't answer to you anymore." "You never did, you were far too stubborn to follow orders." She smirks "Why are you here? Come to get rid of me? Took you long enough." "We're here to take down HYDRA." "Too bad." I raise an eyebrow "This is headquarters, you and your super friends don't stand a chance." "I know you and your powers, I know how to beat you." "Oh, do you? Well, it's been a while since we last trained together, a lot has changed."

You've grown.

"Other than my height."

Wait, how did she...?

She chuckles and Steve speaks "Ma'am, you will either surrender or we'll have to take you down by force." "Oh, he is cute, I see why you feel for him, Winter." I growl and she looks at me "It's Bucky." She smirks again, I see her attack coming barely a second before she starts, she's stronger than I remember as my back makes contact with the wall behind me. Steve runs over to pull me up from my position on the floor, Romanoff and Barton hold their weapons up at the woman.

I need to get her away from HYDRA, if the Avengers can help me they can hep her too.

"Lucinda! Think about this, think about everything HYDRA has gotten you to do. Is that what you want to keep doing? Do you want to keep killing innocent people and those who want to protect them." She's silent for a moment, then for once her voice doesn't sound cocky or confident "It's all I know." The door bursts open and HYDRA Agents flood in, Steve clicks his earpiece "We're engaging." An alarm starts blaring from the corridor the Agents appeared from, I stand up and approach Lucinda. As the agents start to attack my friends I grab one of Lucinda's wrists in my right hand.

Hand yourself over, let us help you, please... You're like a daughter to me, please…

She looks up at me, her dark brown eyes just about visible to me, looking conflicted "Please, let us help you."

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