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Does he really feel that way about me? Like a daughter? Oh, what do I do?

After some silence between us, us both blocking out the noise of fighting around us, I speak "You left me." I take note of the emotions in his blue eyes "I went back for you, but I couldn't find you, you weren't in our usual base. I even forced an Agent to look in the database, but you weren't in there, it was like you didn't exist. I searched all I could and came up empty. But I couldn't stay there, I needed to remember myself." "And this is the real you?" "As close as I can get to it. A lot has changed about me, I can't be who I once was, but I'm not the Winter Soldier either."

'The Avengers fight for the safety and happiness of others, HYDRA stands in our way. I can't cut Lucinda down, I can't do it.'

I take a deep breath "You won't have to." "Did you just read my mind?" "You tell me." A small smile appears on his face "So, you're on our side now?" "I have nothing keeping me here, these people may have raised me, but you were the one I trusted the most." "I'm sorry for leaving you." I shake my head "I forgive you." I pull my wrist from his grasp and adjust my hood, I then form ice swords in my hands. I step past Winter, I mean Bucky, to stab the Agent in the chest who was about to attack him. He whimpers and I see his breath between us, due to me using my powers the temperature in the room has dropped. Everyone stops fighting and turns to face me, clearly noticing the change and expecting me to be fighting the Avengers.

If I'm going to betray them I might as well go all the way.

I speak confidently "Looks like you all want to die today." I twist my sword, the Agent groans and slips off, he collapses on the floor and doesn't move. The remaining 4 Agents in the room run for the door but I close it and stand in front of it "Cowards." I make sure to freeze their guns so they can't use them and attack them with both of my swords, they don't stay standing for long. I then turn to face the Avengers, even though they can't see my face.

Trust Bucky.

"What's the plan?" They all blink out of their shock, looking at the bodies around them, then back to me.

I'm fighting on my own down a corridor, with no helmet on because it got too badly injured, which means I also can't contact the others. Suddenly I hear someone shout "What do you think you're doing!? You can't-!" They're cut off and I manage to look in that direction, I see the Elsa and a body laying in front of her. The Agents start to panic as she starts swinging her swords around and taking them out, I continue fighting.

So, she isn't HYDRA? She's against them too? Maybe we can work together.

The pair of us barely have the corridor cleared when loads more thunder round the corner, Elsa looks in my direction, but I can't see exactly where she's looking due to her face being hidden in the darkness of her hood. She then speaks in a British voice "I have a plan but I need you to do as I say." "I don't take orders from you." "You want to take out all these Agents on your own or do you want my help?" I glance around "What you got?" "Levitate. Now." I do as she so politely requests, notice the sarcasm "Now what?" "Hold these." She throws her blue swords at me, I catch them and admire them for a moment before looking back to Elsa, who's pointing her palms at the floor. Suddenly ice appears around her boots and rapidly starts spreading in all directions, the Agents are caught of guard and slip over, I take the opportunity to continue attacking.

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