PART 12.

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Lucinda and I walk around the field together "I remember seeing you really angry once." "You do? Are you sure about that?" "Well, I saw it through a security camera. It was black and white, but they told me about what happens to you, they wanted me to know, just in case." "I don't like what I become." "Just ignore Stark and you'll be fine. He's an idiot." She sighs "Yeah, he is." "It'll take a while before you fit in around here, but I'm here for you, I'll help you all I can. It's not your fault what you became." "Thanks, Bucky." We keep walking and talking, I tell her a bit about each Avenger, since they haven't really introduced themselves yet "... Then there are the Asgardians." "What's an Asgardian?" "It's the planet they're from, Thor and Loki are aliens." "Why am I not weirded out by that?" I chuckle "I have no idea. Anyway, Thor is the King of his people, actually, let me show you them."

I walk Lucinda to the field close by where the Asgardians live, Brunhilde notices us and runs over "Hey, Buck." "Brunhilde, this is Lucinda, Lucinda, Brunhilde." The women shake hands "She your kid?" "Uh... Well." She raises an eyebrow and Lucinda responds "He trained me, helped raised me, so in a way he is." She looks up at me and smiles, the first proper smile I've seen, I smile back.

I'd be proud of her being my daughter, I'd be very proud of her.

I look back to Brunhilde as she asks a question "So, why you here?" "She's joining us, gonna be living here and be an Avenger." "I am? They're gonna accept me just like that?" I put an arm around Lucinda "They'll love you, once they get to know you, just you wait. Besides, they can't deny your mad skills." She chuckles and Brunhilde looks interested "How old are you?" "14, is that a problem?" She crosses her arms over her chest and Brunhilde shakes her head "Not at all."

Over the next week or so Lucinda spends most of her time with Brunhilde and me, the three of us are a close little group. But I don't know what she does when I'm spending time with Steve, because I know she's not with Brunhilde. She gets along with all the Avengers, to an extent, apart from Stark, who she avoids at all costs. But I don't see her treating anyone else more than the others, so I don't know who she hangs out with.

I've been at the facility for a full day, it's the next morning and I'm exploring, seeing what there is to do around here, the thing I like about this place is that every door tells me what's inside or is a stupid nickname saying who's bedroom it is. Just this morning I had found some card, I'd written 'Bucky' in bold letters and stuck it over 'Metallica', Stark hadn't put a sign on my door so I got to put my own name straight on. I find a room marked 'Library' so I open the door, it's a small room, very unlike a library, but the shelves are covered in books of various colours and sizes. I step inside and shut the door behind me, I have to scrunch my hands into fists to prevent ice from encasing the man who's sitting behind the door, he looks up from his book.

That could've gone badly, why is someone sitting right behind a door? Wait, that's Loki, right?

"Did I hit you with the door?" "No. Do you need me for something?" "Uh, no..." "Then, why are you here?" "I was exploring and this room said library, so I came to take a look at the books." I cross my arms over my chest "That is what a library's for. Why are you sitting behind the door?" "Because no one else comes in here, only me." "Oh. I'll-" I reach for the door handle "You don't have to leave, if you don't want to." I nod and turn to face the books again, I slowly walk along, reading the titles on the spines.

Does Loki always sit in here alone then? Why isn't he with the others playing whatever game they're playing?

"Why aren't you playing with the others?" I look over my shoulder to see him looking in my direction "Are you reading my mind?" He shakes his head "No, I still can't get in your head. I just wondered, because that's where everyone else is." "I don't know them well enough yet, I only really met everyone yesterday when you were questioning me and they didn't tell me anything about themselves." "I see." "Why aren't you with them?" "They don't like me."

Well, that's rude. Is he always on his own then? What about the other... Asgardian, is it?

"Why not?" He looks down at his book "I'm a monster. I attacked New York with an army back in 2012." "That was you?" He nods, not looking up from his book "Were you following orders?" I sit cross-legged in front of him "Partially." "Then, they shouldn't blame you, it wasn't your fault." "I killed many people." "Do you regret it all?" "I do." "Then it's not your fault." His green eyes look to me "Why do you say that?" "Because that's what Bucky keeps telling me." I look down at my hands "I worked for HYDRA all my life, willingly. The first time I killed someone, I was only 4 years old. I regret working for them now, now that I understand what I did was wrong." We sit there for a while in silence and it's not awkward. After a while I get up and pick a book, I sit beside Loki, leaning against the same wall, he looks at me curiously but once I open the book we both just sit in silence reading.

It became a usual thing, whenever I was bored I'd head to the library and Loki would almost always be there, we would even sit next to each other at meals sometimes. We never told anyone about our friendship, because no one asked. We never spoke or hung out in front of any of the others, it's not because we were trying to hide, but we preferred to be somewhere quiet. We liked the quiet because we liked to sit in non-awkward silence together, apart from when we spoke, but our conversations weren't anyone's business so we didn't want them listening in.

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