PART 10.

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I quickly sit up, my eyes snap open and my breathing is uneven, I glance around but I don't know where I am, something moves out of the corner of my eye so I quickly turn and freeze whatever it is. When I turn to see who it is I recognise his face, I don't know his name, but he's the one who I think is a Doctor, he looks down at his legs which are completely covered in ice up to the top of his thighs, he shuts his eyes and takes a few deep breaths.

I shouldn't have done that, they'll kill me now for sure.

I jump out of the bed and approach him "I didn't mean to do that, you scared me!" He shakes his head "It's alright, just get me out of it." "Uh... I can't." I notice he starts stuttering from the cold "FRIDAY, send Tony to th-the infirmary with some tools, I need to get out of a-a... icy situation." "Right away, Doctor." "I'm really sorry." "A-Are you okay?" "Me!? You're the one stuck in ice." "B-But you freaked." I sigh "It was just a memory, my first bad one." He nods "Wh-What happened?" "I killed my handler, because... well, I was only 4 and he scared me. I have more control now though, otherwise you'd be dead on an ice spike." He chuckles "Th-Then I'm glad."

I'm glad too, it would've blown my chances at living.

The door to the room we're in bursts open, standing there is Iron Man, a tall blonde man who I'm pretty sure was the one with Bucky and Bucky himself. They look wide-eyed at the Doctor, who speaks through chattering teeth "I-It was an a-accident." Iron Man kneels down and uses some tools to start breaking him out, the other two turned to me, Bucky places his hands on my shoulders and speaks "What happened?" "I freaked out when I woke up." He nods in understanding "Alright. How you feeling?" "Fine." "How's your bullet wound?" I shrug "Let's see." He releases me so I can reach under my tank top, which is covered in dried blood, to pull of the wrappings, I peer down my shirt and smile up at Bucky "All healed." The Doctor speaks "D-Did you say all h-healed?" I nod "H-H-How?"

Because it's healed...? What does he want me to say?

"I don't understand your question." "You've only been o-out for..." He looks at the clock "16 hours." "Yeah...?" "D-Do you usually heal that f-f-fast?" "Quicker. But it wasn't just a little wound so it would've taken longer. Is there something wrong with that?" Bucky explains "Most people take weeks, months to heal from wounds, even cuts can't heal over night.”

Poor people, that's terrible.

"You do though." "Yeah, Steve and I-" He indicates to the blonde beside him "-are super soldiers, we heal faster than normal humans. Then there's Thor and Loki, they're aliens, they heal really fast, faster than us too." "Aliens? Like the big fight in 2012?" He nods "Right. But not evil?" "Well..." Steve elbows him and smiles at me "These two aren't evil, they've done things they regret, but we all have." I nod "I get it." The Doctor sits down as soon as he's out of the ice and I approach him "I really am sorry." Iron Man wraps a blanket around him "I-I'll be fine, all if f-forgiven." "So... What happens to me now?"

I don't even think I'll bother running if they decide to kill me, I'll just accept it. I deserve it.

Steve speaks "Why don't we start with you cleaning up, then you can join us for lunch and we can ask you so questions?" "Oh. Yeah, okay."

Why are they being nice to me?

Steve beckons me out of the room, I follow him through the building into a bedroom "We've already put some stuff in the bathroom for you so you can shower and on the bed are some clothes that will hopefully fit you." "Thanks." He leaves and shuts the door behind him.

I'm sitting in my room reading a book when FRIDAY speaks "Lunch is prepared." I set my book down and make my way to the kitchen, when I near the room I hear lots of people talking. As I walk into the kitchen I get my first proper look at Lucinda and she looks a little familiar, like I've seen her somewhere before.

I can't possibly have seen her, I haven't spent much time on Midgard.

I focus on her mind and her thoughts, trying to learn about her, but I can't, something's stopping me. Lucinda looks over at me and smirks "You must be Loki." I look to the Avengers "What have you told her about me?" Steve replies "I mentioned your and Thor's names and said you're aliens." "Oh." I sit down at the table, opposite her, as the others place the food and cutlery on the table, I try to get into her mind again, she narrows her eyes at me.

She knows. How does she know I'm trying to get in there? Is she what's stopping me?

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