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Tony, Thor and I are still walking, there doesn't seem to be an end to this tunnel, even the flashlight shows nothing but darkness ahead, Steve's voice makes me jump due to the silence "My team's heading back to the ladder too, we've got some information from the computers and we're pretty sure we're dealing with HYDRA again. By looking through the camera footage this looks to me like it's bigger than any HYDRA base we've ever come across, this base is larger than any S.H.I.E.L.D location I've been too as well."

Blimey. Well, we know HYDRA are persistent, they did stay hidden within S.H.I.E.L.D and have spread out around the world. Maybe they've got more extensive bases like this and we just haven't found them yet because they're underground too.

"Charlie?" Tony huffs "Still nothing and when I say nothing I mean absolutely nothing. We've been walking this entire time and there's no door, no light at the end of the tunnel. Nothing!" "Keep walking." "Keep walking? Are you kidding me? This isn't fair, you've all come across the base." "Just keep walking." He groans and kicks a stone, it makes a loud noise and echoes as it bounces off the wall and hits the ground. We keep walking.

Tony groans and Thor speaks "What is it this time?" "WE'VE BEEN WALKING DOWN THIS TUNNEL FOR 2 FRICKEN HOURS!" His voice echoes in both directions and a pigeon flies away from its resting place at Tony's sudden outburst "I've had enough!" He turns around to walk back the way we came, Thor and I laugh, Tony turns back looking annoyed "WHAT!?" Thor explains "If you wish to walk a further 2 hours to return, then be my guest." "I'll fly it." He flips his helmet down then groans and flips it back up "FRIDAY won't let me fly, she said I have to walk with you idiots."

I missed Tony, I had to go without his comments for too long.

He hangs his head and continues walking in the direction we've been heading this whole time, Thor and I walk either side of him with an arm around him. We decide to make the walk more fun with singing, whistling and laughing. Steve checks on us again, but Tony tells him to go away because he's interrupting our party.

A little while longer I see something up ahead "Light, I see light!" Tony steps in front of me and grabs my shoulders, he starts to shake me "Don't go towards the light! Don't you dare!" Thor laughs "He means there is light at the end of the tunnel." Tony sighs "Not you too."

He thinks we're dying. Wow, all this is really taking a toll on him.

We turn him around and he covers his eyes "I'm not ready." Thor and I run towards the light, behind us we hear Tony "Wait for me!" When we get to the end of the corridor there's a doorway, no door and it leads right outside. But not onto the ground, but to the edge of a cliff, if we were to slip there would be nothing to stop us from hitting the rocks below and being swept away in the speeding river. Tony steps beside us and we all look down at the river, opposite us on the other side of the river is more land, about the same level as we're at, the river is about 100 metres down.

Why is there a door leading to here?

After contacting the others they arrive and the quinjet hovers at the doorway, then it clicks in my brain "This must be so they can get from a helicopter to the base easily when just dropping people off." Tony nods "It keeps them hidden, but it takes them far too long. Who in their right mind would do that walk voluntarily?" "They probably run it." We get into the quinjet and talk to the others, it had been just over 3 hours since we had last seen them and after figuring out our current coordinates we realise that we had walked a very long way.

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