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We take off and head to our facility as fast but as safely as we can, Bucky sits close to her head, keeping a close eye on everything I do. Once her cloak is off she's just wearing a tank top, I can see the bullet wound is close to her heart, but I need to find out if it's still in there "Lucinda, is it?" The girl nods, I give her a little smile "I'm going to have to check to see if the bullet has left your body, okay? I'm going to need to put my hand under your back." She nods, I carefully slip my hand under her back and feel around "Bullet must be in you still, we'll have to stabilise you and once we're back at base I'll get it out." She grabs the front of my shirt and pulls it close to her, my nose almost touching hers "You get it out. Now." I shake my head "I don't have the proper equipment here, it won't be long before we're able to." As soon as we land Bucky runs her into the infirmary, Steve tells everyone else to stay in the living room.

I sit on a couch, everyone else apart from Banner, Buck and Lucinda join me, Stark speaks first "So, are we just gonna trust the little Elsa?" "Didn't you hear what we said at the base?" "My helmet was too damaged, communications stopped working." "Oh. Well here's what I know, Lucinda and Buck were in HYDRA together, he trained her from when she was a child-" "Which clearly wasn't very long ago." I ignore his interruption and continue "-and when he left HYDRA he tried to find her, but couldn't. He wanted her to escape from HYDRA too. When we got into that base she was hostile, but Buck spoke to her and she decided to help us out. I don't know whether to trust her or not, but Buck does, so I'm gonna give her a chance. We gave Vision, Wanda and her brother a chance, so why not Lucinda?"

I hope Wanda and Vision are doing okay out there together. I'm sure as long as they stick together and support each other they'll be alright and I'm sure if they need us they'll call. I don't blame them for wanting to get away from all this.

"Once she's out of surgery and has some rest we'll ask her some questions, until then I want you all to get cleaned up, help each other out if you're injured. Oh and Stark, could you order pizza for dinner?" "On it."

"Come, child." I follow the man down the corridor, looking up at all of the really tall people passing me, I'm lead into a white room with people in white coats. The man who lead me here picks me up and sits me on a bed, he leaves and I sit swinging my legs, waiting. People in the white coats keep walking past me and don't talk to me, so I start talking to them "Why am I here?" "What you want?" "Why you not answering me?" "Can I go yet?" "Can you do something?" "I'm hungry..." "Do you-" One of them turns and puts a finger to his lips "Shh!" "Lucinda."


I look to see my 'handler' as he calls himself, walk into the room and over to me "I been waiting ages." "You've been here for 5 minutes. You need more patience." "I'm not a Doctor." "No, that's- Never mind. We need to run some tests on your ability." "Ability?" "Yes, the ice." "Ice?" "Yes, the ice." "What ice?" He sighs "When you were a baby you caused ice to form around you." "I don't remember." "Of course you wouldn't, that was 4 years ago." "Where did the ice come from?" He sighs again "You! It came from you... or at least I hope it did or all of this was a waste. Now, Lucinda, let's see this ice." "Where is it?" He picks me up and carries me into a completely empty white room, he sits me on the floor in the centre and walks out.

After sitting in the room for absolutely ages I get up and wander to the door, I knock on it, no one answers "Hello?" I notice a white cloud come out of my mouth "He-" It happens again, I keep making noises walking around the empty room, watching the clouds come out of my mouth. Then I get bored and lay down in the middle of the room "Hello!?" I hear my handler's voice but don't see him "How do you feel, Lucinda?" "Bored!" "I mean your body, how do you feel?" I shrug "Do you feel cold?" "No."

Why would I feel cold, it's not cold in here.

I lay on my back with my eyes closed for I don't know how long, just thinking about anything, but this boring room. All of a sudden something touches my leg, I scream and hold my hands up in front of my face, I keep my eyes tightly closed as I wait for something to happen. When I open my eyes I see ice on the floor a few feet around me and an ice spike poking up from it, my handler stuck on the end looking at me with wide eyes. He isn't moving and red is running down the side of the ice, I scream again and the ice on the floor quickly spreads along the floor and up the walls.

I'm a monster!

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