PART 15.

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"Let's talk to him now." I grab his hand and pull him over to Loki, who's sitting where I was before, at the island, drinking. His eyes widen a little as we approach, I smile, trying to reassure him this isn't going to be bad, we stop in front of him "Loki, this is Bucky-"

'We've met, Lucinda. Why are you introducing us to each other?'

I ignore Bucky's thoughts and keep talking "-the man who helped raise and train me. Bucky this is Loki, my best friend." I ignore the genuine smile on Loki's face and grab one of each of their hands, I put them together and force them to shake hands "You're welcome." I lean past Loki, grab my drink and walk over to Thor and Sam, who were watching the interaction "Hi. Mind if I hang out with you?" "Not at all, Lady Lucinda." I sit with them and they both stare at me, Thor speaks "Introducing your father to my brother, do you like him?" "No. We're best friends, I'm not interested in him like that." "Very well."

He accepted that quicker than I thought he would.

"My brother needs a friend, I'm glad it's you." "Thanks." The rest of the party goes well, I decide to make the most of everyone in one place and spend at least a few minutes talking to each Avenger, getting to know them a little. Each of them ask me about my sudden appearance with Loki, I tell them we're friends, that everyone deserves a friend and they all look guilty at the fact they haven't been treating him too nicely. I spend a little more time with Loki, as Bucky goes back to his boyfriend, before I head off to bed.

The other Avengers are out, Lady Lucinda is somewhere in the facility, my brother and I are in the kitchen having a heated argument. Once again Loki wants to find someone, someone who our father admitted survived and was sent elsewhere. We're sure they were sent to Midgard, but we don't know where, what they look like or even their gender. I'm trying to knock some sense into my brother, that we won't be able to find this person because of our extremely limited information, but he refuses to give up. Our argument gets so heated that he turns into his Frost Giant form, like he does when he's really angry, since we're being so loud we don't notice the pair of eyes watching us.

I grab my brothers shoulders "Brother, you must give this up, it's only depressing you and sending you further from our friends!" "OUR friends!? They're YOUR friends! The only one here I consider a friend is Lucinda! She's the only one who doesn't see me as a monster! She knows what I've done, but doesn't blame me for it, like all of your friends do!" I'm speechless "You don't understand how much I need this, Thor! But the universe understands how much of a monster I am and refuses to give me happiness! Monsters don't deserve happiness!" I see tears in his eyes "Everyone deserves happiness." Our eyes both go wide, Loki's change from red to green and the rest of his appearance changes with it, we both look to the doorway to see Lady Lucinda.

This isn't good. He can't lose her too, please Lady Lucinda, be merciful, he's not a monster, not really.

She slowly approaches us, eyes wide in shock "Loki..." I speak "Lady Lucinda, you must understand, my brother is no monster, he is just different, he..." I stop talking when I notice she's focussed only on Loki, she doesn't seem to be paying attention to me. Loki is looking down at his feet, I step aside as Lady Lucinda stands opposite him, I stand beside the pair, watching them both carefully "You were... you were blue..." He silently nods "I've never seen you blue before." He speaks quietly "It change involuntarily when I'm very angry." "Does that mean you can change by choice?" He looks to her face, as do I, she doesn't look scared, she looks interested.

Why is she not fearing for her life like everyone else does? Perhaps it is because of their friendship. This is excellent!

"Yes." "How?" "How?" "Yes, how? How can you make yourself like that?" "Lucinda, perhaps..." She shakes her head at my intrusion "Please. How?" He sighs "I close my eyes and think about the form, I think about what my Frost Giant side looks like." "Giant? You're tall but not a giant." He chuckles slightly "I am not a full Frost Giant, that's why Thor's parents took me in. The Frost Giants didn't want me." She nods "Can you show me?" "You want to see that form again?" She nods "Why?" "Please..." He nods and closes his eyes, slower than through anger, his skin starts to turn blue, Lady Lucinda then closes her own eyes and takes a deep breath. I don't understand why she's doing such a thing until I see her skin changing to blue too, then my eyes widen.

She's... She's a Frost Giant too. She must be the one Loki wants to find. This is amazing, my brother has finally found his happiness.

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