Duck Tape.

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The loneliest moment in a person's life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly. -My Pinterest

Venus' POV

The sofa was warm but my heartbeat was a thousand miles an hour when the door had opened and I hoped to see Spencer. Instead a frowning Garcia and Derek met me. "Hello lovely." She greeted and I gave the pair a few tight hugs. "Well, I want it all. I don't like you upset and it isn't like you to cry. I am a full supporter of you crying but I am just not used to it. I would prefer you not to ever get upset though." They sat opposite me on the sofa as they watched me intently but I felt a little awkward to begin with. "Look, I was raised not to cry. To keep my emotions to myself because every time I was too weak then everything got worse. Just like now, he has backed away. This is why I didn't want to get close, because this was going to happen just like all of the other times I am happy." Although I spoke like I was angry a tone was heard that didn't support this at all and I knew it. "Look, I'm scared as well. The smell of alcohol reminds me of dad and he is not a shining example of a man who makes me comfortable." Garcia made a 'oh' sound as she slipped at a take away coffee. "What are you going to do?" I thought about being honest and knew that they were profilers for a reason. "Tomorrow I will suggest that I move out. Slowly I will get further until I am able to start a life elsewhere. He scares me and my baby needs a dad who doesn't spend his life either passed out or trying to sleep with me."

We spoke for hours and they both looked beyond exhausted. "Can you guys sleep with me tonight? I keep having nightmares and I can't go to Spencer about it." As soon as I had said it I went to take it back but Derek stopped me with one look. "Thanks." I was weak and didn't like it. Only with Spencer but he hadn't returned yet. "I have clothes or Spencer does and you can wear those." They both turned the offer down and as we got into the room they stripped into more appropriate bedtime clothes. They used a spare toothbrush and we all stood in the bathroom in turns. I was last but as I took the makeup off my eyes burned red. A lot of control was needed to stop the tears and I managed to get it together before heading to the room. The only pyjamas I owned were a crop top and shorts but they didn't matter as the other two pulled the covers back and I was allowed to get into the middle. My hand met the bed first and then the rest of me as arms soon wrapped around me. They were well covered so no bare skin was touching and I felt so relieved.

Garcia's POV

My eyes shot open and then closed again as the front door opened and closed a little too loudly. "Spencer." A smooth voice quietly murmured. Steps moved up and got a lot closer to our door but he was tripping a lot more than a normal person would. Small limbs moved and snaked from Morgan and I. His eyes met mine for a second and then he closed his but his arms pulled me closer to him. He could tell that I was completely apprehensive about what was about to go down. "Hello Spencer." Venus was a little condescending but a drunk man probably welcomes it. "Why are you speaking like that? I just want to go to bed." He spoke a little harshly. "Go into the spare room. The bed is full." The door was clearly opened as he pushed in. "Who?" He asked a little more angrily than he should have. "Penelope and Derek. Now, in the spare room. You are drunk. I can smell the alcohol on you. Come on." Her voice stayed calm and level. She was better than I ever could be. If I were in her position I would have left him long ago and she just dealt with it. "Come to bed with me." Her response was evenly given a few moments later. "No. Not when you smell like that." We could hear him try to pull her to him but as I went to help the door closed and her body became visible in the doorway to us. She grabbed a dressing gown and left down the steps.

The whole team had been so busy and self involved that we hadn't seen what had been happening. Venus was coming and going but she was returning back to the 19 year old her. The one that flinched if there was a gust of wind or if her name was said too loudly or at length. She hated her full name being spoken.

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