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Can we appreciate that Hotch had to help Rossi use the tablet? You can see at about 10 seconds Rossi asks for help and at 14 seconds in Hotch is helping.

Her courage was a crown and she wore it like a queen. -Atticus.

Spencer's POV.

My arms ached and my neck hurt but still all I could think about was the woman before me. Her hand in a NICU whilst the small girl wrapped her little fingers around just one. "How are you two?" My question seemed answered by the exhausted faces I received. "Spencer. I care about you but stupid questions like that won't help that improve." My heart beat increased as I heard her speak and she seemed more than happy to end the hospital visit at any second if it was not for the baby. "The nurses and doctors are trying to move me but they don't think I know." Her comment was quiet and it made me think of the time when I met her. She was always on the quiet side.

"We will have to go back to work tomorrow. The case recovery time is over and the team will all be starting. They will be visiting." She smiled at the thought and I saw that she was almost falling asleep. "You need to find your phone Spencer or get mine. I would like them all to know." I nodded and picked up the keys. "I'll do that now." I kissed her head and left with three backwards glances at my girls.


Waking up for work was tough. I felt the night of no sleep seeping into every pore of my skin. At the office though it was even tougher. My head was banging but the aspirin was making it slowly better. At the very moment the headache faded the doors swung open and Spencer walked in alone. "Hey." I welcomed him like usual but then stopped when Hotch asked, "where is Venus today? Has she had the baby?" He didn't answer but began rummaging in both of their desks. "Spencer." Rossi spoke up and he wiped his sweaty hands on his waistcoat. "Sorry?" Hotch asked again where Venus was. "I don't know."

The room had fallen into deafening silence. "What happened?" Gideon asked and as he said this Gideon visibly dropped any happy response and rage boiled. I felt that it was at her. "Neither of us had our phones. She left hers at home. She couldn't get home because she went into labour. Anyway, she had the baby but the baby was sick. I lost my phone. Still can't find it and the baby is sick. Fluid on her lungs. They were going to move her. She had even told me so. Deciding that she should have her phone and I should find mine I went to get it and when I got back the nurse told me that she was transferred. I can't find out where or when just in that 40 minute gap."

Garcia didn't need to be told twice as she went straight to her computer and started searching. The team went back to their desks but I stayed with Reid. He had lost his baby and a girl he loved though neither understood. "Spence." My hands flopped to over his shoulders and I held on tight. "It is going to be okay. She will be out in no time and the hospital will phone you to tell you." He relaxed into my hug and held on close to me.

Garcia's POV

My fingers didn't seem to move fast enough as I typed out the hospital and got access to their mainframe. I typed her name in and it was not there. She had been transferred but it didn't say where yet. I became panicked and began searching the whole of the world until she would surely appear. Hundreds of previous visits to English, Scottish and Welsh hospitals appeared. Broken this that and the other but nothing in the United States for birth. Only checkups. Until bingo but it wasn't good. I stood up and pushed from the desk. My hair bobbed with me as I pushed through to get to Spencer who was sat at JJ's desk.

I walked right up to him and handed him a plane ticket. "Go. I have also booked a taxi to get you to the hospital. They know when you will be arriving so they shall be expecting you and she hasn't even got there yet. They have also agreed to let you sleep there. An agent in hospital is always a risk remember." I gave a suggestive look and he slightly smiled. "Thank you Penelope." He lifted his coat and almost ran to get his go-bag from his desk. "Where is she going?" JJ asked when he left through the doors. "Las Vegas." Her mouth made a slight smacking sound and I just nodded as I looked forward at the door.

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