Jacks POV
It was my first day at this new school. My dad moves around a lot because he works on fixing up houses and stuff but this is going to be our last move is what he said but he says that all the time, but i start heading down the street on my bike heading to school I get there and I walk in the door I head to the office to get my schedule

Me: hey I'm the new kid jack grazer and I need my schedule

Office person: okay here is your schedule and this is Jaeden he is going to be showing you around
Jaeden: hey jack
Me: hey Jaeden
Jaeden: you have algebra first
Me: yeah
Jaeden: okay lets go
Me: okay

We walk to class I'm silence to his locker and there are two girls standing there
Jaeden: hey Mariana and Savannah this is jack he's new he is also pretty cool
Savannah: yeah he seem cool I guess
Mariana: yeah he does, jack you got first algebra
Me: yeah I do
Savannah and Mariana: cool see you there
Me: see you guys there to
They walk away and then it's just me and Jaeden
Jaeden: I got my stuff ready
Me: yeah let's go
We walk into class and the teacher ask for my name and I sit with Jaeden, Savannah, Mariana, and this other kid names Victoria. Victoria was pretty cute

Me: hey is it cool if I hangout with y'all, y'all all look cool as fuck
Victoria: yeah I'm cool with it there other people who we also hangout with there's Wyatt, Finn, chosen, Shania, and annie
Me: ohh that's fun
Mariana: it is cool we are all kinda close but let me see your schedule
I had it to her
Mariana: we have science and lunch you have lunch with us all and science with me and shania and Savannah and Finn so that's fun
Me: yeah I can't wait to meet the others
So about 2 hour later
Jaeden: time for lunch
Me: okay
So we head to lunch and I just follow Jaeden to the table and I sit down and all the other people I haven't met just stare at me
Annie: who the fuck is this
Jaeden: this is jack he's new to this school so he is sitting with us
Annie: why he isn't apart of this squad
Jaeden: Annie why do you always have to be an asshole
Annie: and why do you always invite random
Bitches to sit with us
Jaeden: I didn't everyone else did so don't fucking come for me damn
Annie: whatever Jaeden
Finn: are y'all done fighting hey jack I'm Finn this is shania that's annie obviously and this is Wyatt and chosen
Savannah: by the way Victoria and chosen are dating and those are the only people dating in this group for now
Me: for now?
Savannah: yeah
Me: okay I won't ask
Mariana: why did you move here jack
Me: my dad works on houses so we move a lot but he said this is our last move I'm exited because this is a good school with good people like y'all
Wyatt: just saying there is always some sort of fight happening in this group it's best to not get involved
Me: okay I'll try
Savannah: so there is his party later at Jaeden you want to come
Me: yeah sure why not
Jaeden: cool the bell is about to ring so
Finn: great where is Victoria and chosen
Savannah: I know oh my goodness the always be sneaking off somewhere oh well

Bell RIng
I had next class with Annie and Annie only she doesn't like me oh well she is going to have to get used to me being around I guess

I walk in and right when Annie sees me and rolls her eyes like damn

Three hours later schools over
Mariana: hey jack can you get some shit for the party
Me: yeah I can try what should I get
Mariana: get whatever
Me: okay see you guys later
Mariana: okay

So I get on my bike and I ride home
I get home and feel my phone buzzing like crazy
I turn my phone on and I was added into a group chat called the losers

Mariana: hey jack
Me: hey guys
Everyone : hey
Jaeden: so you all can for sure come
Annie: I don't think I can
Mariana : I can
Jaeden: why annie
Wyatt: I can
Finn: I can and Annie why not
Me: I can
Chosen: me and Victoria can
Shania: I can
Savannah: I can ofc
Jaeden :just making sure see you guys later Annie let me know if you can or can't play
Annie: okay
Out of messages

I took a nap and woke up at 8:30 the party was at nine so I went to the store got beer and shit and went to the party I think I'm going to talk to Victoria and tell her I like her

At the party

Annie POV
Ugh I arrived at the party and jack was already there I don't even know why the accepted him so fast we don't even know him.

I walk to go get something to drink and I see jack talking to Victoria so I kinda listen into the conversation

Jack: hey Victoria
Victoria: hey jack you enjoying the party
Jack: yeah but I need to tell ty something
Victoria: what is it
Jack: I like you
Jack leaned in and kissed Victora and Victoria pushes him off
Victora: jack what the fuck I'm dating chosen
Jack: I'm so sorry Victoria
Victoria: I got to go find my boyfriend talk to you later
Jack: shit

Jack looked over and saw me

Jack: Annie please don't tell anyone please I'll do anything
Me: anything
Jack: anything
Me: okay well I don't have anything right now but I might later so better not screw up anymore okay
Jack: whatever I have to go to the bathroom
Me: okay bye

I kinda feel bad for doing that but oh well maybe don't kiss other people's girlfriends
I try to find Savannah, Mariana or someone and I can't seem to find anyone I walk up stairs and hear them talking about another party and I guess I wasn't invite or something I walk in and they all turn and look

Savannah: hey annie
Me: y'all planning on inviting me to this party
Mariana: damn it you heard we are throwing you a birthday party
Me: no wait shit I didn't hear shut
Mariana: ohh shit now you did
Me: dang it oh well you know I don't like surprises anyways so it's best I know
Shania: whatever guys lets all go party
Savannah: Jaeden can I talk to you
Jaeden: yeah
Savannah: everyone else leave
Everyone leaves and goes downstairs

Mariana: Annie I need to tell you something
Me: what
Mariana: I think I like Wyatt
Me: WHAT really
Mariana: yeah and I think he likes me back I want to ask him but what if he says no
Me: go for it
Mariana: we kissed
Me: wait y'all did
Mariana: yeah
Me: oh my goodness go talk to him
Mariana: what if it didn't mean anything to him
Me: want me to go talk to him
Mariana: yeah kinda that would mean so much to me
Me: okay I got you

So I walk thru the party to go look for Wyatt and I can't find him down stairs so I go up stairs and I walk in on him and someone kissing

Oh my I don't want to tell Mariana but I should

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