Savannah's POV
Mariana: I can't believe shanias baby is dead it's so sad she can't catch a break with baby's she has idk but it's sad as fuck
Savannah: I know I can't imagine she she's going thru her mom, her baby, and her home she's going to get sent away to a foster house you know that right mariana
Mariana: yeah I know it's sad but I'm going to ask my mom to let her come stay
Savannah: but it will take time and until your mom can adopt her she will be get to a foster home and I don't want that happening because she could go somewhere abusive or not get to see us or whatever
Mariana: yeah that's true but we will follow her and make sure she is good and give her a back up phone so Incase the take hers she can still text us
Savannah: yeah good idea I feel so fucking bad for her i couldn't do it
Mariana: me either I don't know how she it to be honest
Savannah: me either
Mariana: want to go to the hospital
Savannah: yeah, let's get finn and Jaeden if you want to
Mariana: I don't think she wants the much company
Savannah: yeah true
Mariana: lets go
So we go to the hospital
Jack: hey guys shania is in her room crying she she said she doesn't want anyone near her not even me so might want to wait out here or leave
Savannah: we will wait
Mariana: y'all wanna grab something to eat
Jack: yeah I haven't ate all day shania can finally eat again but she won't and I don't know what to do to help her she won't let me do anything and it hurts knowing I can't do anything because she won't let me
Mariana: yeah I get it she won't let me do anything either and I really want to help but I haven't been thru this so I don't know what to say or do to help her feel better you know
Jack: yeah I know what you mean when she has the miscarriage we was both going thru the same thing but this time I'm only feeling half the pain she is and it's killing me knowing she's hurting so bad right now
Savannah: I'm so sorry jack I know you're thru so much right now and so is shania
Jack: I just want to be with her but she keeps pushing me away
Mariana: I'm so sorry jack I love you and hope things get better for you and shania y'all have been thru so much together and I just want y'all to finally be happy
Jack: thanks guys I love y'all so much
Mariana: we love you to
Jack: okay lets get some food I'm hungry
Annies POV
manny: hey annie wanna come over
Annie: yeah sure let's go to my house
Manny: alright lets go
I lean in and kiss Manny, and manny kisses me back we end up making out for 2 minutes then move to my bed
Manny: are you sure
Annie: yes keep going manny
Manny: okay
So manny starts taking his shirt off then starts taking off mine
Annies dad: Annie what the fuck are you doing
Annie: dad get out
Manny: shit
Annie: maybe you should go
Manny: yeah maybe I'll text you later
Annie: yeah okay
Dad: Annie what the fuck
Annie: I'm sorry it's just idk he's so hot and it's whatever
Dad: Annie I know you miss your friends but we are going back soon I promise it won't be much longer here I swear
Annie: alright good because I don't know if I can live here much longer I think I want manny to come back with us because he's super cute and I love him
Dad: he better get his own place if he moves with us because he isn't staying in my house if y'all are going to be doing that shit never do that shit under my roof please and thank you and use protection next time
Annie: okay sorry love you
Dad: well manny can come back over for dinner if you want him to
Annie: yeah
2 hours later
Manny: I'm sorry about earlier
Annie: it's fine I promise
Manny: okay good ion want your dad to hate me so
Annie: he doesn't
Manny: okay good because that would suck
Annie: yeah kind of, but I have a question
Manny: I have an answer
Annie: so we're leaving soon and going back so I was wondering if you want to come back with us when we leave
Manny: uhm I don't know annie
Annie: okay well just let me know my dad said you can come
Manny: I will let you know but i just don't know my family is kinda strict so i don't know
Annie: yeah I know what you mean trust me
Manny: lets go eat
Annie: okay lets go
Jaedens POV
Jaeden: wyatt I need to tell savannah I can't keep this secret anymore
Wyatt: you don't have to tell her anything jaeden
Jaeden: yes i do I feel so bad for lying to her I shouldn't have done it
Wyatt: mm you know you want to do it again
Jaeden: wyatt shut up
I'm serious
Wyatt: whatever you do you boo but when she breaks up with you don't come to me crying
Jaeden: yeah okay Wyatt I'll text you after she leaves me
Wyatt: alright bye Jaeden
Jaeden: yeah whatever
*text messages
Jaeden: hey savannah can you come over I need to talk to you about something really important?
Savannah: not right now but I'll come over later alright?
Jaeden: yeah that's fine I'll see you when you get here love you
Savannah: love you to Jaeden
*5 hours later
Savannah: hey I'm in my way jaebae
Jaeden: alright but like don't call me that lol
Savannah: alright I won't sorry Sksk see you soon
Jaeden: alright see you
*out of messages
Jaeden: hey savannah
Savannah: hey jaebae
Jaeden: okay I need to talk to you about something
Savannah: okay what is it about
Jaeden: shit I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to come out and say it
Savannah: what is it jaeden
Jaeden: uhm I cheated on you with someone
Savannah starts crying
Savannah: what the fuck Jaeden, I can't believe you I why, who was it, tell me right now jaeden I'm not playing your damn games
Jaeden: listen it was an accident it didn't mean anything I wouldn't do it to hurt you I would never do anything to hurt you
Savannah: well did so I never thought you would actually do this shit
Jaeden: please savannah it was an accident I love you
Savannah: I love you to jaeden but I don't know I'm leaving
Jaeden: please savannah don't leave let's talk about this
Savannah: I don't I just have to go
Jaeden: please
Savannah leaves anyways
Jaeden: fuck me
Jaeden: I'm so sorry savannah I love you and I wouldn't hurt you in purpose I swear it was a mistake and I never want to leave you I only want you and I just won't to let you know that I love you and I want to make sure you never forget it don't message me, or messages me just know I love you the most and only you
*different messages
Jaeden: hey Wyatt come over
Wyatt: okay did you tell savannah
Jaeden: lets not talk about that just come over ;)
Wyatt: okay Jaeden ;)
                            Shanias POV
jack: hey shania the doctors said you can leave but the child service people have to come meet with you
Shania: why
Jack: you don't have a dad so you have to go stay with a foster family for a bit until Marianas family 
Shania: I'm not going with a damn foster family so they can fuck off
Jack: shania you have to
Shania: jack I'm not going with a FUCKING foster family so the can FUCK off and leave me the Hell alone and tell them that
Jack: shania it's just for a week you will live it's better than you having to leave or something
Shania: I don't care I'm not living with some random family all because I don't know how to shut the fuck up and make my mom wreck and now she is dead so please get the fuck out of my room and leave me the hell alone and tell the people also to leave me alone
Jack: shania it wasn't your fault
Shania: it was, she wasn't looking because I was arguing with her
Jack: shania
Shania: please just leave
Jack: fine whatever
Shania: love you
Jack: love you you lots
Jack leaves the room and I just go to sleep
*an hour later
Mariana: shania wake up me and savannah Brought chicken nuggets and fries and you are eating I don't give a shit what you say
Shania: please why won't any of y'all
Just leave me alone I want to be alone right now why doesn't anyone get that
Mariana: because we care for you and love you and you aren't going to shut us out but you are going to eat these damn chicken nuggets and stop
Savannah: yeah what she said
Shania: whatever, you know I have to birth my dead baby boy out
Savannah: oh
Mariana: I'm sorry shania I know you are going they a lot but we are here for you
Shania: I know I love y'all for that to
Savannah: we love you lots
Shania: love y'all lots to
Child service worker: shania we found you a place to stay they just moved into town and they have a son who is going to your school and they said they can keep you for a week if you would like to but if you dk t go with them you will have to stay in a group home and those things are even worse
Shania: whatever I'll go with the family but can I eat with my fucking friends first
Child worker: yes but I need to tell you the rules you aren't aloud to have boys over, no cussing in front of them, and also no dating the kid in the house
Shania: wasn't planning on it bye
Child worker: bye
Shania: I swear why can't everyone just leave me alone
Savannah: I don't know
Mariana: it's only a week and then you get to come live with me for a little bit
Shania: I know but my mom, my baby they aren't just gone for a week they are gone forever and I cant change that
Savannah: I'm sorry shania
Mariana: me to
Shania: it's fine I guess I should go to the house I'll see y'all tomorrow and tell y'all about it
Savannah: alright bye dawg
Mariana: bye Shanja text me
Shania: I will bye

Okay this ending is terrible but I have 2000 words and that's a lot to me :)

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