Marianas POV
We are all unsuspended so I wake up an call Wyatt to pick me up for school
*at school
Savannah: hey
Me: hey what's up
Savannah: nothing but mm at lunch I need to tell everyone something
Me: yeah me to
I decided to tell people about me and Wyatt because I don't care anymore I love him
Jack: hey guys haven't seen y'all in a while
Shania: you seen me
Jack: yeah
Finn: guys I kissed jack
Shania: what the
Annie: mm
Finn: i didn't know if I was gay or bi but I'm
Not gay I know that I like Annie
Annie: mm Finn I don't know yet because my last boyfriend he broke my heart I don't think I'm ready
Finn: okay I understand
Jack: aww that's sad
Savannah: mm well me and Jaeden are dating so
Me: we knew that, but so are me and Wyatt
Savannah: oh m goodness good job sis
Me: same to you
Jack: me and shania hooked up
Shania: jack why did you say that
Annie: can't relate
Finn: same
Jaeden: I can
Jaeden winked at Savannah
Wyatt: mm Jaeden
Jaeden: yeah
Wyatt: I need to talk to you after school
Me: why can't you just say it now
Wyatt: I can't sorry
Me: okay
Savannah: Mariana guess what
Me: what
Savannah: my dad came and tried to get back into my life
Me: mm what did you say
Savannah: if he didn't want me then he doesn't need me now
Me: that's so true, mm wanna hangout later
Savannah: yeah sure I have nothing better to
Me: dang it same
Savannah: where we gonna hangout
Me: doesn't matter
Savannah: mm we can go to like target or something
Wyatt: can I come
Jaeden: I wanna come to
Savannah: that's fun we should go on a  double date since we actually have boy friends for once sks
Me: aww that's so fun we should
Savannah: then we should swim in my pool
Wyatt: lets do it
Jaeden: wanna go eat at Applebee's
Mariana: no not really
Savannah: what about chilies
Wyatt: I'm fine with that
Jaeden: aame
Mariana: I'm also good with that
We go sit down and we buy the games on the tablet
Me: lets do trivia about each other couple against couple
Waiter : what would y'all like to drink
Me: sweet tea no ice
Jaeden: sprite
Wyatt: coke
Savannah: dr.pepper
Waiter: I'll be back With your drinks
Everyone : okay
Me: okay ready
Everyone else: yeah
Trivia: what's your partners favorite color Jaeden: Savannah is blue
Savannah: Jaeden's is also blue
Wyatt: Mariana is I'm purple
Me: wyatt yours is gray
Savannah: jaeden you was right
Jaeden: so was you
Me: no wyatt my color isn't purple it's black
Wyatt: oh sorry Mariana but you got mine right
Trivia: what's your partners parents name (mom) (or dad)
Wyatt: your dads name is Steven
Mariana: Wyatt are you kidding me
Wyatt: what
Mariana: I don't have a dad
Savannah: dang Wyatt
Mariana: Wyatt I don't think we should date anymore because apparently you don't care for me as much as I thought you did
I got up and left I called Finn to come get me
Me: can we get food
Finn: yeah sure
We drive to Arby's and get food then we go to finna house long story short I hooked up with finn and he left a hickey I shouldn't have done this what if Wyatt find out oh shit
                          Shanias POV
I look down and the pregnancy test has two line holy shit what am I going to do I'm pregnant with jacks baby oh my
I get ready because jack is coming over I hade the pregnancy test in my bookbag
Jack: hey shania
Me: hey
Jack: I missed you
Me: same missed you to
Jack: are you okay
Me: yeah I just don't feel good
Jack: oh wanna watch it or something
Me: no I wanna eat I want a slushee can we go get a slushee from sonic
Jack: yeah sure
So we go pull into Sonic and park I look over and see Mariana and Finn in his car making out I tell jack and jack calls Wyatt
Jack: Wyatt are you and Mariana together
Wyatt: no we had a fight
Jack: oh well she's making out with finn
Wyatt: oh my god she's a hoe
Jack: yeah she kinda is Agee
Shania: jack don't call her that
I'm Going to call Mariana, she didn't answer
We order our slushees and leave
*my house
I'm trying to decide if should tell jack that I'm pregnant and it's his what if he gets mad or doesn't talk to me or something I love him and don't want him to leave me because I really love him
Shania: hey jack I need to tell you something
Jack: okay what is it
Shania: I'm im
Jack: your what
Shania: I'm pregnant
Jack: what who's baby
Shania: yours
Jack: how we used a condom
Shania: it must have broke or something
Jack: I can't fucking believe this
Shania: it's not my fault don't get mad at me
Jack: I'm not mad Shania
Me: well you sure seem mad jack
Jack: I'll text you later I have to go
Me: jack wait okay don't go
Jack: I need to go home and thing about this I'm only 16 I can't have a damn kid
Shania: well maybe you should have stuck your dick inside me damn don't take everything out on me you act like this was all my fault
Jack: whatever Shania I'll talk to you tm
Shania: bye
I et so upset I jus start crying
*group ft (Savannah, Shania, Mariana, Annie)
Mariana: oh my shania what's wrong
Me: it's a lot to explain
Mariana: we got time
Annie: yeah we do, Savannah are you playing with slime
Savannah: mm yeah dang it
Mariana: okay so shania spill
I explain everything
Mariana: so your saying you are pregnant and jack got pissed
Me: yeah basically
I start crying again
Savannah: shania it's okay don't cry
Shania: but I love jack a lot and I don't wanna lose him
Annie: you won't jack isn't like that but he has to think ab it
Shania: yeah I guess
Savannah: love you guys Jaeden's coming over
Annie; this late
Mariana: where did he go after that horrible date
Shania: Mariana why was you making out with finn
Mariana: what do you mean
Shania: I saw y'all in a sonic parking lot making out
Mariana: dang it, me and Wyatt broke up and Finn is mega Fine so I just thought I should hook up with him why not Wyatt doesn't give a shit
Annie: yeah he does
Mariana: he didn't even know my favorite color or that my dad isn't in my life i like him a lot but it seems like he doesn't care
Annie: okay well I have to go
Me: same, bye guys
Annie: bye
Mariana: bye
* loser club group chat
Me: you all wanna hangout tm after school at the mall or something haven't seen Victoria or chosen in a whole yeah
Everyone: yeah
*Out of messages
It's already 4 in the morning damn I'm going to bed I'm big exited for tm

Mm okay I don't know what I explain anything Bc there's only like some person that read this but I don't know what else to write in this chapter but mm yeah

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