Shanias POV
I can't believe I'm pregnant again I swear me and jack need to learn to use shit but I mean like what the hell am I going to do I don't want to tell anyone yet because I don't know what is going to happen I might lose the baby again and I don't want everyone else to have to be worrying about me again if something happens
So I get up and get ready for school I stop and get some McDonald's before because I'm hungry, finally I get to school and try and find Mariana
Wyatt: hey shania have you seen Mariana
Shania; no I haven't
Wyatt: ohh okay well let's try and find her
So we look around the school trying to find her and she will still can't find her she's probably late
So we just go to class
Wyatt: hey Mariana we couldn't find you this morning was you late
Mariana: yeah
Wyatt: okay
                            Marianas POV
I feel so bad for lying to Wyatt but I don't want him to know about me and Finn this morning
I look at the door of the lunch room and I see Jaeden walk in and he looks bad and he sits down at a different table by himself so I get up and walk over to him
Jaeden: why are you talking to me
Mariana: why wouldn't I
Jaeden: did savannah not tell you
Mariana: no what did she not tell me
Jaeden: ask her
Mariana: no I'm asking you
Jaeden: okay fine we'll me and chosen and Victoria hung out and I got drunk and slept with someone and she got my name tattooed on her ass and now she won't even talk to me it was a mistake and I was drunk
Mariana: Jaeden you need to talk to her even if she won't talk to you make her listen to you
Jaeden: yeah, okay
So Jaeden and me get up and walk to the other table
Savannah: why the hell are you walking over here
Jaeden: Savannah I know you are so mad at me right now and I get it I would be mad to but I love you so much and I was drunk I didn't know what I was doing and i know it's not an excuse but it didn't mean anything I love you only you and you are the only person I will ever love
Savannah: Jaeden I love you to but this ain't something I can just get over I need time and space
Jaeden: I understand
Wyatt: I'm going to set with Jaeden
Jack: yeah me to
Chosen: I guess I will to
Shania: how about boys at one table girls at another
Annie: I mean, okay
So the boys go to the other table and the girls stay at this table
*after school
Wyatt: hey Mariana wanna hangout later
Finn: hey mariana
Wyatt:what is he doing
Finn: we are hanging out already
Mariana: sorry Wyatt maybe later
Wyatt: I'm so tired of this Mariana you need to pick in person soon because this is annoying having to fight over you you need to make up your damn mind
Mariana: yeah okay whatever
Finn: Mariana I think you should pick Wyatt
Wyatt: what the
Mariana: why
Finn: Because y'all are cute and I just don't think I love you as much as he does
Wyatt: yeah what he said
Mariana: I mean, okay if that's what you want
Finn: yeah it is
And then Finn walks away
Wyatt: what was that about
Mariana: I don't know but that makes my life kinda easier
Wyatt: wanna go somewhere
Mariana: yeah, where are we going
Wyatt: its a surprise
                            Jacks POV
Finn: wyatt didn't say anything because I ended it with Mariana we can't do this I love Mariana and I want to get with her sooner or later
Jack: yeah I love shania, actually I have to go to her house
I go and get into my car and go to shanias after like a 7 minute drive I get to shanias and I brought some chick-fil-a I knock on the door and Shania comes to the door
Shania: hey jack
Jack: hey, are you okay you look kinda pale
Shania: yeah I know I have been throwing up a lot I don't know why
Jack: I mean maybe we should go to the doctor
Shania: no that's not a good idea
Jack: why not
Shania: okay I'm going to tell you something but you can't go tell everyone and get your hopes up because idk what's going to happen again
Jack: what do you mean
Shania: I'm pregnant again jack
Jack: are you serious, you aren't playing with me
Shania: no jack I'm serious but I don't want to get our hopes up in case i lose the baby again
Jack: yeah I understand we should go to the doctor anyways to see why you are throwing up
So much because you aren't to far along you shouldn't be throwing up as much
Shania: I mean like okay
So we go to the doctor
Doctor: how far along are you
Shania: idk like 1 month I guess
Jack: oh
Doctor: yeah okay so it could
Just be where you were pregnant before or I could be because your nervous just try and calm down eat more and drink a lot of stuff
Jack: I'll make sure she does
Shania: yeah he will
So we leave the hospital and we get back to shanias and I feel so bad about not telling her
About what happened between me and Finn but I just dont know if I should tell her yet because she is carrying my baby and idk what I would do if I caused her to lose this one again because of me and Finn instead of me and Mariana  I need to tell someone tho so I call Mariana and tell her
Mariana: what do you want jack
Jack: I need to tell you something important
Mariana: what is it jack what's so important me and Wyatt are trying to do sum
Jack: me and Finn had sex
Mariana: what the hell

Okay so like This is a bad chapter but ion care sksk

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