Victoria's POV
I can't believe Jaeden cheated on Savannah he was drunk so i don't know if he meant to I think he loves her and she loves him I think he just made a big mistake but I don't know if I should tell savannah or not because it's a big mistake to make
Jaeden: please don't tell savannah let me tell her myself I swear I didn't mean to I love her I was drunk
Victoria: okay I'll give you until the end of the day tomorrow because she's like my best friend so tell her soon okay
Jaeden: okay I'll try I thinks she's going to break up with me my whole life will be over
Victoria: I understand because if chosen and I broke up I wouldn't be able to live anymore he's like my world
Jaeden: okay can you tell that girl to leave because I'm going to take a nap
Victoria: yeah
I wake the girl up and tell her to leave
Jaeden: good night
Victoria: yeah whatever
Jaeden: I'll tell savannah tomorrow, okay
Victoria: okay
I call Savannah to see if she wants to hangout
Savannah: hey
Victoria: hey I was wondering if you want to go somewhere or do something
Savannah: yeah let's go to the mall or something
Victoria: okay lets go
So I get to the mall and I see Savannah's car so I pull in front of her and we both get out and walk in
Victoria: I want to go to Spencer's I need some things from there
Savannah: me to mm I'm not going to tell you what tho
We walk in and both walk back to the sex shit
Savannah: what the hell
Victoria: okay I see you and Jaeden
Savannah: yeah mm we have to go to ulta or a makeup place I want to get some things to cover things up with
Victoria: what do you mean
Savannah: I want to get Jaeden's name tattooed on my arm or something
Victoria: you sure that's a good idea
Savannah: yeah I love him and I'm going to marry him
Victoria: okay lets go get some things
We check out and the person looks at us like we're fucking crazy with all this shit
Savannah: which one is better I don't wear make up
Victoria: neither do I ask a worker
So after we check out we go to a couple more places then we both get into our cars
Savannah: meet Me at the tattoo place okay
Victoria: okay
I get into my car and call jaeden he doesn't fucking answer, so I call chosen
Victoria: put jaeden in the phone now
Chosen: why
Victoria: just do it
Jaeden: hello
Victoria: call Savannah and tell her now
Jaeden: hell no I can't
Victoria: call her or I'm telling her she is getting your damn name tattooed and if she find out after that's going to suck ass so call her now
Jaeden: no and if you tell her I'll tell chosen about you know
Victoria: yeah whatever, this is in you when she breaks up with you and she has your damn name on her damn arm
Jaeden: yeah whatever
And he hangs up
So I drive to the tattoo shop and I see Savannah getting ready to get the tattoo and her phone rings
Savannah: hey Jaeden
Savannah: I'm not doing anything
Savannah: okay I got to go l, bye love you
She hangs up
Victoria: Savannah are you sure you want to get this
Savannah: mm yeah I do
I look away and I hear the tattoo gun turn on
                          Wyatts POV
I call Mariana and see if she is ready for out date
Mariana; hey Wyatt
Wyatt: hey Mariana are you ready
Mariana; yeah
So I go get Mariana and we go to see it chapter 2
After the movie I drop her off and I ended up going inside and we ended up getting a bit drunk and shit happened but after that I went home and we to bed a bit early
*the next day
I wake up to my alarm at 8 o'clock, shit I'm late
I get up and get in my car and go to school I go to mr.skarsgard class to get what I miss and I walk in and I see the new kid Alec giving him a blow job
Wyatt: what the fuck
Alec: shit, why didn't you lock the door
Bill: fuck me, hey Wyatt I'll give you and all your friends hundreds if you don't say anything please and you can have one hundred dollars
Wyatt; yeah whatever
So he give me the money and I leave
Wyatt: Don't forget to lock the door fucking slows
I over hear a conversation from Victoria and Jaeden
Victoria: you need to fucking tell her right now jaeden you told me you would
Jaeden; I'm not ready she is going to leave me and it was a mistake I fucking love her she means the world to me I can't do this to her
Victoria; I know but I can't hide this any longer
I walk away and I go to the lunch table
Savannah: guys guess what
Mariana: what Savannah
Savannah: I got jaedens name tattooed on me
Mariana: what the fuck your kinda slow
Wyatt: that kinda sucks
Jaeden: hey guys
Savannah: hey baby, want to come over later
Jaeden: yeah we need to talk about something later anyways
Savannah: okay, I need to show you something
Jaeden: okay see you there baby
Victoria; oh my
Savannah: whats your problem
Victoria: nothing
Victoria gets up and leaves the lunch room
*end of school
                            Savannah's POV
I look around and try to find Jaeden I look around and I finally find him and this girl fighting
Jaeden: it was a mistake I was drunk it doesn't matter
Girl: it does matter I don't care if you were drunk I have feeling for you and I get it you have savannah but I could Give you so much more than she could
Then she kisses him
And he pushes her off
Jaeden: I love savannah I would never do that to her even tho something did happen I don't have feelings for you, never have and never will so get the fuck out of my face
Jaeden turns around and sees me he starts walking towards me
Jaeden: Savannah I'm so sorry for what happened I love you so much and I never want to lose you and if I do lose you over this just know I will keep fighting to get you back because you mean so much to me
Savannah: jaeden what happened between y'all I don't even know so explain and maybe we can work it out
Jaeden explains everything
I thought they kissed one or something
So I just turn around and walk off
Jaeden; Savannah wait
Savannah: what the hell do you want Jaeden just let me be alone right now I'll call you later, and oh yeah Jaeden I got your named tattooed on me wish I would have known about this sooner I have to go
So I get into my car and go home
                       Shanias POV
I look down in shock not again

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