Finns POV
After Annie leave and goes home we all go inside and check Wyatt and see if he's good make some spaghetti and shit and chill and watch a movie, after the movie ends we end up playing truth or dare, jaeden went first
Finn: jaeden truth or dare
Jaeden: I'm going with truth
Finn: if you wasn't with Savannah who out of the group with you date
Jaeden: if I wasn't with Savannah I would date either Madison or Mariana
Jaeden: Victoria truth or dare
Victoria: dare
Jaeden: do a body shot off three people you can pick who
Victoria: okay I got you I'll do Chosen, Zane and Jack
Jaeden: okay go ahead
She goes to Zane first and she takes the shot out of his pants and then takes the lime out of his mouth then she does the same with Jack, then Chosen
Victoria: done that was easy but okay shania truth or dare
Shania: I guess I'm going to go with dare
Victoria: I don't know what to do because you are first off pregnant so I can't do anything with drinking so I guess I dare you to either give jack 2 big ass hickeys in his neck with his consent duh or get 2 big ass hickeys on your neck from Zane
Jack: I don't consent remember me and shania aren't together
Zane: uhm I'm down if your down shania
Shania: yeah for sure go for it
So Zane goes over to shania and gives her one hickey on both sides of her neck and they were dark to but it's all good
Shania: hey jack truth or dare
Jack: truth
Shania: okay uhm I don't know this is hard, did you and Finn do anything after me and you broke up
Jack: uh yeah me and Finn did do something
Shania: okay
Finn: shania i promise it was after you guys broke up I would never do that to you and jack
Shania: it's cool b
Jack: Savannah truth or dare
Savannah: dare
Jack: I dare you to take off your underwear and give them to Jaeden
Savannah: easy
She slides off her underwear without even taking her pants off like wtf but she gives them to Jaeden
Jaeden: thanks for the gift
Savannah: anytime
Savannah: Mariana truth or dare
Mariana: truth
Savannah: now that you and Finn aren't together you got your eye on anyone
Mariana: nah going single for a while
Savannah: cool cool
Mariana: Finn truth or dare
Finn: dare for sure
Mariana: I dare you to call your mom or dad and tell them you got someone pregnant
Finn: can I call my brother instead
Mariana: sure I don't care
Finn: okay I got you
So Finn calls his brother puts it on speaker phone and calls him
Nick: what do you want asshole
Finn: well listen I got his girl pregnant
Nick: really haha that sucks have fun with your kids bye I got to go
And then nick hangs up
Mariana: well that got me
Finn: Yeah I'm kinda bored of this game now
Everyone: yeah me to
Wyatt: mmm okay what do you want to do now
Mariana I have clue, monopoly, and other board game also we can play Mario but only 3 because I only got three things
Savannah: I want Mario
Mariana: my house I also want Mario
Jaeden: I'll play clue
Shania: me to
Finn: clue also
Jack: I guess I'll play clue
Savannah: okay come on
Victoria: me and Madison will watch you guys play we don't want to play anything
Me, jack, Shania, and Jaeden go and get clue and playing like 4 games and Mariana, Savannah and Wyatt end up playing 2 games
Wyatt won both times and a shock but Shania won and jack won 2 and Jaeden won once I fucking suck but we finish playing out games get bored and then we all end up passing out some in Marianas room some in he den
I wake up in Marianas room with jack, Wyatt, Mariana, and Savannah
So I guess everyone else is in the den
Wyatts already awake and I go in the den and see Madison and Victoria awake talking and chilling
Victoria: hey Finn nobody else is awake are hey
Finn: uh yeah wyatt and jack
Madison: oh they are all lazy as hell and sleep until five pm I swear
Finn: Mariana definitely does
Madison: so does savannah damn that bitch can sleep
Finn: I'm going to get food you guys want me to get you something
Victoria: no I'm fine
Madison: get me something I don't care
Finn: okay I got you
Madison: okay
So I go to the freezer and get some pancakes and get Madison some toaster strudels
Madison: thanks dude I have a question
Finn: uh okay
Madison: are you and jack anything I just want to know because shania really loves him and if you guys are you should tell her, they are having a whole kid together
Finn: I don't know what we are we've kissed a couple of times and we almost went farther but I don't know
Madison: okay well when you guys figure it out you should tell shania first
Finn: okay I got you dawg
Victoria: okay well wake them up I'm bored
Madison: we will wake up everyone in here
Finn: okay
I go in Marianas room and wake up everyone who wasn't awake and we all go in the den and get food and just chill in there
Mariana: guys I'm so bored lately we should do something
Finn: we could go to the mall
Savannah: that's boring we should go on a road trip to Hawaii
Mariana: bitch you can't drive to Hawaii
Savannah: well we can road trip to the airport and then we'll be all good
Mariana: we should go are you guys down
Jaeden: I'm down
Finn: yeah let's do it
Jack: uh sure yeah
Shania: let me ask
Jack: oh here she goes always has to ask
Mariana: my mom isn't going to care
Shania: oh yeah true
Victoria: lets do it
Madison: lets go
So we fill up two cars mine and jaeden
Jaedens car had Savannah, Victoria, Madison, wyatt, and of course Jaeden
My car had, Shania, Mariana, jack, me and Annie
We drive to the airport and go up to the desk things there isn't a flight to Hawaii until 7:45
Finn: guys lets get out tickets and then we can go somewhere else until like 6 and then come back
Mariana: okay lets do it
We leave the airport go to target get some random shit so mess around with Mariana savannah and shania got a damn LEGO set Annie got a new pair of volleyball shorts And everyone else got food we left target and went to this spot in the woods and got high before we got on the plane we got to the airport at 7 a little later then we wanted to get there but we got on the plane and then after a six hour flight we finally make it to Hawaii

Okay so I've been thinking about this this is the last chapter of this book, I am rewriting it I don't like the way this turned out and I just want to do redo it :) bye

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2019 ⏰

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