Annie's POV
I get to marianas house and Savannah isn't here yet, we make some food and put on a movie and wait for savannah
Mariana: savan YAAAAH
Shania: I missed you savan
Annie: yeah guys I need to tell you guys something
Shania: what is it
Savannah: you good
Annie: yeah I guess, but yesterday Mariana already knows about this but I went and had an abortion, the baby was mannys I'm 16 I'm to young for a baby, no offense shania but I can't take care of a kid and my parents will kill me
Shania: why didn't you tell us before you did it I could have went with you or something
Annie: oh well I called you but you didn't answer and Savannah and Mariana were in jail, but Wyatt went with me
Savannah: oh shit that's a hard thing to go through, I'm just glad you are okay
Annie: okay, we should invite Madison over
Mariana: we should
Mariana: hey Madison you want to come over to my house and stay
Madison: yeah be there soon
Mariana: okay just walk in
Madison: okay
Mariana: bring the weed lmao
Madison: I was planning on it
Savannah goes and makes two hot pockets and then comes back and we watch IT while we wait on Madison
All of us: that's poison ivy and that's poison ivy and that's poison ivy, where where's the poison ivy, no where not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley, Aren't you guys coming in, uh uh it's grey whatever, what the hell is grey water, it's basically PISS AND SHIT so I'm just telling you, you guys are walking around in millions and gallons of Derry pee, what what are you doing, doesn't smell like kaka to me, are are you serious I can smell that from here it's probably just your breath wafting back into your face, staf infection, oh I'll
Show you staf infection, this is so unsanitary this is like swimming around inside of a toilet bowl like have you ever heard of plasteria
Mariana: that gets me everytime
Savannah: it really does get me
Annie: I missed you guys so much
Shania: I think Madison is here
Annie: shadow move I will step on you better move
Mariana goes and let's Madison in the house and we go in marianas back deck and smoke
Madison: thanks for inviting me today
Mariana: you're welcome we should hangout more
Savannah: we do you seem really cool
Shania: we should order some food
Annie; good idea I'm hungry again
We all decide we want subway so we order doordash, and then we play roblox
3 hours later
Mariana: damn we have no life's
Savannah: it's okay yeah
Shania: for sure
Annie: okay guys I'm tired
Madison: lets take a nap and then we should go out tonight
Annie: we should
Mariana: like where
Madison: just go hang somewhere
Mariana: sure
4 hours
I wake up and Madison is already awake
Madison: hey annie
Annie: of course they are still asleep I swear they sleep more than the do anything
Madison: it's okay want to wake them up
Annie: yeah I'll wake up savannah she is really hard to get up
Madison: okay I'll get Mariana up
Savannah: go away
Annie: Savannah get up it's been four hours WAKE UP
Savannah: go away UGH
Annie: is that Jaeden calling
Savannah: where I'm awake where's my phone
Annie: wow
Savannah: okay I'm up go away
I go and get Shania and go back and Savannah is back asleep
She finally gets up and we go get in the car
Wyatt: hey annie just making sure you are okay and wanted to let you know I'm here
Annie: hey Wyatt yeah I'm fine hanging with Maran, savan, Shania, and Madison
Wyatt: okay have fun
Annie: thanks Wyatt talk to you later
Wyatt: okay bye
Out of messages
After like a ten minute drive we make it t Walmart
Mariana: we should get some snacks
Savannah: we totally should
I swear every time Mariana and Savannah looked at each they busted out laughing it was so funny, but we went inside got some salt and vinegar chips some cup cakes, oranges and some drinks
Victoria: SHANIA
Shania: Victoria YAAAH
Victoria: what are you guys doing here
Savannah: just chillin
Mariana: shut up you really get me
Savannah: it's getting me
Victoria: hey can I hang with you guys I'm bored as shit
Madison: yeah we're getting food we just smoked at marianas we have more for later if you want to come
Victoria: for sure yeah I'll come I'm bored as shit
Shania: yaah Victoria
Annie: I want some donuts
So we go get chocolate and powdered donuts and some grapes and vanilla ice cream and sour patch kids
Then we go back to marianas
Savannah: I want oranges
Mariana: I want the blue sour patch kids, NOBODY ELse CAN HAVE THEM
Victoria: I want some Donuts
Shania: I want the ice cream
Madison: I want whatever I don't care
We snack for like 30 minutes watch bobs burgers and then go smoke the last of it
Shania: I'm bored
Mariana: it's so fun shania just do it
Shania: I can't
Mariana: okay
Madison: Lets watch bobs burger
Mariana: yeah let's do it
So we sit down and watch bobs burgers and end up all passing out I think I was out first
Marianas mom: why does it smell like weed in here
Annie: shit
Victoria: oh I don't know
Madison: Mariana wake up
Mariana: go the hell away
Madison: it was me
Marianas mom: okay well don't do that shit in my house Madison
Madison: I did it on the porch
Annie: yeah me to
Marianas mom: Annie you can do it in my house I don't care
Madison: okay cool
Marianas mom: okay you girls have fun
Madison: yeah
Marianas mom: love you annie
Annie: yeah for sure
Madison: she LOVES YOU annie
Annie: shut up I have to go do you have perfume or anything because my parents will beat my ass if I go home smelling like this
Madison: yeah and here and here's some gum
Annie: thanks Madison
Madison; for sure see you later
I go down to my house
Mom: Annie what's that smell
Annie; perfume
Mom: it smells good
Annie: thanks
Mom: yeah, well we're going out to eat
Annie: okay where
Mom: oh you can't come you have to stay here
Annie: what the hell why
Mom: ANNIE don't fucking say that
Annie: okay whatever I'm goin back to marianas house
Mom: no you aren't you're going to go inside and wait for us to get back I'll get you something
Annie: no you want just bye
Mom: yeah bye
Madison: hey you left your charger
Annie: it's okay I'll be back up in a minute
Madison: oh okay
Annie: okay see you in a minute
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I go back to marianas and everyone is back asleep exept Madison
Madison: damn these bitches sleep so much
Annie: it's okay
Madison: okay well I'm going to go to bed too
Madison and me lay down and Madison ends up falling asleep but I didn't I watched Netflix and YouTube until like 3 and finally Shania and Victoria woke up but Mariana, Madison, and Savannah was still asleep
Shania: hey annie how long have you been awake
Annie; I don't know a long time but I'm so bored
Shania: yeah I'm hungry let's get good
Annie: yeah let's get
Victoria: I want food
Shania: well come with us
We all go and get food I got French toast sticks, Shania got bagel bites and Victoria being all extra made herself pancakes, she ends up burning the damn pancakes
Victoria: shit I burnt my pancakes guys
Annie: it's okay I bet they are still good
Shania: those look like ass should have just got the bagel you wanted
Victoria: it's okay they don't taste that bad
Annie: told you 
So we all eat while watching big mouth and Madison wakes up
Shania: oh hey Madison
Madison: hey shania, I'm going to get some food, I really want some waffles
Shania: then go get some
Madison goes and gets some and comes and watches big mouth with us after like an hour everyone finally wakes up
Savannah: guys we should go hangout with everyone
Mariana: we should where should we go
Annie: the mall or the movies
Mariana: we can go see a movie
Annie: what movie
Mariana: Annabelle just come out and there is also uhm I don't know lmao
Savannah: lets ask the boys
Mariana: hey guys we want to all go see s movie you guys down
Finn: uh yeah what movie
Savannah: Annabelle
Wyatt: no bro I'm scared of that movie
Annie: don't be a pussy
Wyatt: shit up
Jack: I'll go but shania don't talk to me
Shania: get over it honestly we have a kid together you'll have to get over it eventually so just get over it
Jack: I'm over it I just don't want you talking to me
Shania: you know whatever I don't care
Savannah added Madison and Zane to the group
Victoria: hey guys
Zane: yo
Shania: we're going to the movies at 9 meet us there at 7 and we'll smoke some before we go in
Finn: okay
Mariana: I can get like 2gs
Madison: we still have 1
Jack: I'll bring some to I don't know how much but I got it
Madison: okay cool
Jack ended up coming thru with another 3GS
So Madison and I roll a blunt and we parked in an empty parking lot and it's the girls in Madison's car and the boys in jaedens we smoke and get to the theater by like 7:55
We watch the movie and all head back to Marianas house and we get there and my mom and dad are with manny standing there
Mom: Annie what happened
Mannys fave was messed up bad
Manny: that's the kid that beat me up for knocking up Annie
Wyatt: shit
Annie: yo wyatt what the hell
Wyatt: sorry
Dad: Annie get your fucking ass home your in so much trouble
Annie: doubt it
Mom: home now
Annie: bye guys see you tomorrow
Mom: no you won't
Annie: yeah bet
When I walked pass manny he tripped me
Wyatt: fuck no
Wyatt goes up to manny and pushes him and manny hits Wyatt and knocks him out in one punch
Finn: shit Wyatt
Annie: Jack ass
Mom; Annie go home right now, and manny pack your shit find a way back home or go stay somewhere else
Manny: whatever
We all walk back to my house and they all go into Marianas and right when I got home my mom and dad started screaming at me
Mom: Annie why did you not tell us we could have helped you
Dad: you should have used protection I've always told you to use them
Annie: can I just go to bed
Dad: yeah you look tired your eyes are red
Annie: okay good night guys
Mom: goodnight

This is a bad ending but I don't know what to write about :)

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