14//Spa Day

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-Song for this Chapter: Everytime by Ariana Grande

Manny had ten missed calls, five missed FaceTime calls and eighteen texts. All from Dylan. Manny was pissed. One, Dylan lied to her. Second he forced her to be around that woman. She felt icky.

He slept with her.

She never knew how it felt to know about your boyfriends ex's because he is her first serious relationship, and she loved him!

Oh she was pissed.

Manny pulled out her laptop and started doing homework as her mom tapped on her door. "Come in!"
Her mom creeps open the door halfway cracked.
"Your dad called, he has to go into work early, I do as well and since I don't want you and Lisa out in the cold when waiting for the bus your dad asked Dylan to take you guys. So be up and ready by 7:30."
Fuck "ok cool"
She smiles and leaves with the door cracked.

"Close the door!" Silence

She gets up and slams the door, frustrated with the recent change of plans.

I guess I can't avoid him forever.

Manny comes down last as she sees Lisa and Dylan chatting outside. "Hey are you all bundled up?" Dylan says as she nods her head as she sat in the front.

When they pulled up to the school Lisa kiss Manny's front cheek and hopped out the car. Confused of her actions Manny brushes it off and grabs her bag but when she tries to open the door it's locked. "Dylan, I'm not trying to play games. Unlock my damn door." She turns to him and snaps.

"Baby, why are you so feisty? You know what never mind we can answer questions later." He pulls out of school lot and heads towards an unknown direction. "Where are you going?"

When he didn't answer she hits him upside the heads. "Ow! Can you just chill! I'm not kidnapping you."

"You really are. You are taking me somewhere against my will."

"I'm sorry, I don't know what I did for you to be ignoring me, but I'm going to fix it. We'll talk about it when we get there."

"Get where? Dylan where are you taking me? What if the school calls?"

"I called pretending to be your dad. Lisa will tell your mom you will be in practice until 6pm, our flight lands back to chicago at 5pm so you'll more than enough time." "Flight?"

"Yeah, I have a cabin in Wisconsin. They have a spa next to it we can a mini getaway." It sounded really nice so Manny just kept quiet and let him drive.


After a fifty five minute flight and a twenty  minute cab ride, they reach their destination

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After a fifty five minute flight and a twenty minute cab ride, they reach their destination. It was a nice size cabin. Wasn't a mansion but it wasn't a shack. The sun shined through the windows. It was two stories and look absolutely cozy. "How many rooms." Manny asked as she looked around in awe. "Three. Come sit." He sat her down on the brown leather couch as he flipped the switch onto the fire place than sat beside her.

"You already know what I want to know." He started. "Some guy. I won't name who. Told me the mistress was Miranda." Once she said that he turned away. Ashamed she found out. Ashamed she found out that way. "Why did you lie to me. Why does she still work with you? Who I am to you? Some joke?"

Dylan jerked his head. He can't believe she said that. He took her hands and looked into her eyes. "I lied because I was embarrassed. Your the most pure precious things on the earth and I'm the damaged rotten egg, I didn't want you look at me different. And as for Miranda being fired, I couldn't do that. I was the one who instigated it, and she has bills to pay. I couldn't do that to her. She's been with the company to long. We just promised each other to act professional once we broke it off."

"Which was when?"

"Like a week after the Gala." When he said that heart heart shattered. She wanted to cry and Dylan could tell. "Baby I'm sorry it was wrong of me to lie and I'll find you another mentor I promise." She nodded her head forgiving him even though she didn't want to. "Okay." She wiped her tears before they came down her face. "Hey, let me see my pretty girls face."
She turns to him and smiles. "I love you." He says and she tells him too, he pecks her lips, then feeling of a weight being lifted.

"Hey ready to have a spa day?" He asked and she nodded.


The spa day was amazing. She gotten a massage, then got a natural facial mask. She then got a manicure afterwards, all while Dylan sat and watched. She felt like a princess, he really treated her like royalty. She knew this would make her easily forgive him and she didn't care. After the Spa day he cooked a late lunch for them at the cabin and the sat and talked. After eating they made love.

Once it was time to go she was bummed out but was happy this happened. She leaned her head in and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you. This was amazing, I enjoyed myself."

"I'm glad you did my love." He grabbed her chin and kiss her lips. Their lips intertwining feeling her tongue collide with his.

When they pull up the airport Manny felt complete. As she sat down and Dylan goes to get their tickets she texts Lisa.

Phone's about to die. Be home in an hour.

Fuck I should've brought my charger, didn't think I would be gone all day.

Dylan then walks up to her with a strange look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"We're delayed until 5 am tomorrow."


(A/N stay warm Chicago, it was -20 degrees the other day, whew chileyyyy! Anyways things are gonna get intense so leave some comments, interact with me!)

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