15// Imagine

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Manny is still not answering her fucking phone! I'm getting anxiety, so much anxiety. It's currently snowing and pilling up here on my window seal here in Chicago. I'm in my bedroom, having Stranger Things in the back round as I stare at my phone waiting for her to text me back! She says she would back by this evening and it's already 9pm. Aunt Kathy is getting pissed because I told her she had practice then went to the mall, but she isn't answering her phone! I knew this would be a bad idea. I knew getting with this guy would lead to something bad happening. It's going blow up in our faces. Yes, I said OURS! Because these nut jobs decided to drag me into their taboo mess! Now I'm sitting here with anxiety because when Uncle Marcus gets involved it's over. I will crack. He's scary as fuck!

I decided to take a shower to past time. After I finish my shower grandma and aunt Kathy calls me down to living room. "She isn't answering phone Lisa, where could she possibly be? I know we established no curfew since she's 18 now but it's getting late and she usually doesn't stay out this late."  She says grabbing onto grandma hands for comfort.

"Oh I remember her telling me she was going out to eat afterwards. I'm pretty sure her phone shut off, remember I said when it gets cold out and it shuts off? Yeah that's definitely what happened. Come let's head to bed. She'll be in by midnight." I lie, buying her time. She owes big time! Grandma pulls her up from the couch and I walk behind them upstairs. "Lisa if she's not back here by tomorrow I'm calling Marcus.

Oh shit
Okay it's 5:20 am and Aunt Kathy has called Marcus and explained what's going on. Now Marcus is getting involved, Jesus. Too be honest I hope this shit comes to light because I am so tired of the lies, I swear I am. I hope Dylan gets his ass beat. I don't care, it's what he deserves.

Ten minutes later Marcus shows up cursing up a storm.
"What the is she doing?! This isn't like her.
I know you know something Lisa. Don't give us bullshit because we know she tells you everything!"
I'm tired of being dragged into her mess, I'm tired of being yelled at all because she want some grown man dick!
"She's with a boy and I guess they got snowed in so.... it prevented them from driving out-" once I said that they bolted to the front door after Marcus grabbed his keys.

"What guy? What house is it at?" Marcus yells from the foyer. Before I could even answer I here Aunty Kathy breathily saying thank god.

She must be here....

"Where the hell have you been?!" My dad yells. Goddamnit, I'm so mad that our flight was delayed. Me and Dylan had a beautiful time in Wisconsin. He is such a romantic, and it makes me love him more and more. He apologize 100 times on our way back to Chicago but I kept telling him it wasn't his fault. That he couldn't control the weather but he replied with it's his fault snatching me away but I reassured him it was worth it.

It really was.

My father is enraged and my mom is in tears, claiming that she thought something bad had happened to me. "Lisa told us you were with a boy." My mom said. What the fuck? I had to think fast. One person in particular popped in my head.
"Yeah, I was with Thomas. I'm sorry."

"I thought you two weren't talking anymore sweetie?"

"Who the hell is Thomas?" My mom explains to my dad that it was a boy I was seeing because I stayed silent. He's acting like too much maniac for me to respond.

"Let's go to this boys house. Now! I won't tolerate some boy you are seeing acting like less of a man for having you sneak around instead want to meet us. Come on!" He snaps at all of us. Me, Lisa and my mom walk behind him and as we get into the car I tell him he lives by our school which he does because I see him walking to and from every day.

This will be a disaster.  I don't know Thomas well enough for him to cover for me and when he doesn't cover for me, my mom and dad will realize I lied and I will before to out me and Dylan's relationship.

D♥️: Text me when you everything is okay

I see Dylan's text making my heart melt. His text puts me at ease for bit. Once we pull up my dad walks me to his door and I give it a tap. When Thomas was the one who answers it I thank god that it wasn't his parents. I didn't want her to know what's going on. "Um, hey Manny what's going on. I'm guessing your her father?" He says sleepily.

"Smart man. Not smart enough to think it was fine to have her sneak around with you and not tell her parents! Take responsibility, grow up if you want to be the man in my daughters life! Next time it won't be so pretty. Do you you understand me boy?!" Humiliated was an understatement. I wanted the ground to swallow me up whole and never come back to earth again. I give Thomas a pleading look, I don't know if it was me praying to play along or it was a me hoping he can forgive me.

"Yes sir. I understand. I am sorry." Thomas says shockingly. My dad nods then tells me to come on. I give Thomas one last glance then head back to the car.

I text Dylan telling everything was cool as I lay my head on the window and silently cry.

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