24// Graduation

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"What are you doing?" Manny says as she steps out to the warm May air.
"I just wanted to talk to Dylan and you of course. If that's okay with you guys."  He says calmly. Marcus had a long talk with her mom and they both realize that she is an adult and that if they wanted a relationship with her, they will need to accept her relationship.
"Yeah sure-,"
"Hey babe who-," Dylan says as he steps our but then stops when he sees her father. "What are you doing here." Dylan says.

"I just wanted to talk to you guys."
Dylan walks behind his girl, worried that Marcus will bring more trouble than before. "I'm fine with it but it has to be okay with Manny."

"It's cool." She smiles and they walks inside the house.
"Thank you, what's this?" He look around at the birthday decorations.
"I threw Lisa a surprise birthday/going away party."
Marcus nods taking in everything. "Wow this is nice," they two wait for Marcus to continue. "Look, I'm not sorry for kicking your ass. Maybe you deserve it-,"
"Okay okay, I'm sorry for hurting you very bad. She's just my only daughter, and I can't see her as anything but a teenager even though she is an adult. If you can promise me you will always take care of her, then I can promise you both that I will respect this relationship."

Dylan lets out a breathe he didn't he even knew he was holding. He nods his head and shakes Marcus hand. "Sure thing man."

"Yeah dad." Manny says and gives her father a long hug.
"Well you just made it in a great time. I'm giving Lisa her birthday present." Dylan says and gestures for them to follow. He follows them to the back yard where the gigantic pool and teens are at. "Lisa. I have something for you." He says. Lisa sees Marcus behind them and gives her cousin look but Manny nods her head as in saying they are okay which warms her heart.
"Here you go. I know student loan can be a bitch so that's the receipt. I paid the rest of your tuition off."

Lisa eyes bulge out and so does everyone else."Wow oh my god. Thanks Dylan!" She gives him a hug. The best thing to give a college kid is a loan free years.


"Babe. I'm beyond proud of you." He says. Dylan and Manny are currently outside her high school. She just graduated and is waiting on her cousin. He pecks her lips and pulls out a small velvet box.
"Babe, you didn't have to buy me anything." She says sarcastically. She then snatches the box out of his hand and opens to see a Rose Gold Juste un Clou Ring. "Oh babe it's beautiful!"
He takes it out and slid it onto her finger. "It's a promise ring from me to you. One day I will put a real ring on this finger." He says then kisses her lips.

"Manny!" Lisa jumps on her back from behind. "Yay we graduated!" Lisa says and Manny turns around and give her a huge hug.

"Manny?" Manny hear the soft sweet voice. Its her mom next to her is her grandmother with Marcus behind him. "Hi mom. You look great."

"I'm proud of you sweetheart and I'm sorry for what I said."
"No mom I'm sorry. I said some mean things-," she says as her mom tugs her into a hug. "I love you baby and as long as you are happy, I'm happy."

And that's all Manny wanted was happiness. Now she finally got it.

The End.

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