|Shot 110| • Yellow Lights I • |Stenbrough|

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Daddy's back ❤ ~Jae

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Bill Denbrough awoke slowly and rubbed the tiredness from his eyes. As if his parents didn't neglect him enough, they left the house empty to him for two weeks.

That was fine by Bill, but loneliness came more often than sleep. He yawned, stretched, and rolled out of bed.

He trudged to his dresser and groggily pulled out a white long-sleeved shirt and a flannel, along with socks and charcoal jeans. He slipped on his clothes, brushed his teeth and hair as the headache from lack of sleep settled in.

Too long had these nightmares haunted him. Too long have they invaded his sleep without subsiding. The only thing that made him feel better was seeing the Losers, especially Stan.

With Stanley, Bill forgot the meaning of hurt and pain. With Stan, he never felt lonely or scared. In fact, sometimes the only thing that scared Bill more than falling asleep was losing Stan.

Losing any of the Losers would be worse than losing a limb to Bill, but losing Stan...he might never sleep again. He might never feel again. Because out of all the other Losers, Stan understood Bill the best, was always there for him for anything, through anything.

He sighed and ran a hand through his auburn hair. From across the room, he saw his reflection; a tall, strong boy, reddish-brown hair, haunted blue eyes nearly swallowed by a purple abyss.

But despite the headache that throbbed in his brain and the burning in his tired eyes, he grabbed his phone from its resting place on his nightstand and made his way downstairs. Barely even awake and his phone was already firing off with notifications.

He unlocked his phone and opened his messages. The Losers' group chat was blowing up about talk of having a party.

Bevvie Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!

Haystack Good morning, Beverly :)

Trashmouth the fuck are you guys up so early for?

Eddie beep beep, Rich. Morning, guys

Bill's phone chimed every two seconds from the group chat, and he mostly ignored it as he poured himself a bowl of cereal.

Before he could even take the first bite, his phone rang. The name on the front came up as Beverly.

"Hey, Big Bill" she said sing-songy. "Wake up yet?"

He stared at his bowl of cereal and took a bite.

"Trying to" he answered with his mouth full. "Why, what's up?"

"Party. Your place. Tonight"

Bill nearly choked on his cheerios.

"Party tonight? Why? And why my place?" he questioned, although he didn't really mind a party, that is if party meant the usual: the Losers, 50 sodas and 15 bags of snacks.

"'Cause your parents are put of town? And you have a party-worthy house? And you're Bill Damn Denbrough?" she answered matter-of-factly.

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