Wanna be Witches

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After that Tiff with Niklaus, neither of the originals tried to speak with me. I'm guessing Davina must've conveyed my side of the story to them, could be out of guilt or maybe they were being decent for a change, letting me get over it by myself. It was a long shot but I still had hope for them.

Meanwhile I was researching, and my best plan to date was to banish that dark murky evil away. It was really better than it sounds now. But I needed help and supporting argument that this could work. After my latest experiment in witching, neither Nik nor Freya were going to let me do anything on a whim.

My best bet was to get some experts on my side, the spell was crazy and that didn't help. But their experience with the otherside gave my plan a sliver of credibility. It could actually work, it might end up shredding me alive because of the sheer magnitude of magical energy needed. But it could work.

I didn't have a choice but to ask the only other witchcraft expert, so I made a call to an old friend.

"Hello?" I spoke before a voice came from the other end. I repeated my self, after no response came for a few seconds.

Just when I was about to disconnect, a shaky whisper caught me by surprise. "Si...Sienna, it's me?"

"I know, how have you been?" I don't understand what happened to me, I was tearing up at his voice. It was so wierd, of all the siblings he was the only one who choked on me.

"Sienna? Where are you?" He didn't answer me.

"I'm in Morocco, just doing some research for a spell for Hope." I answered without hesitation.

"Anyone with you?" He asked uncomfortably shifting.

"No, I don't need protection Kol. I'm fine." I smiled thinking how far I've come since we last met.

"How long are you there for?" He quizzed, something about it seemed off.

"I just landed, it'll be a few days before.." I started, but he didn't let me finish.

"I'm on my way, I'll let the others know just in case. We dont want a biblical plague to befall the city." I could hear him smirk on the otherside.

"I told you kol, I don't need you guys to protect me." I argued.

"Who said anything about protecting you, I'll be there in a few hours wait for me?" He stifled a laugh and hung up on me. Classic Mikaelson, I just wanted to ask him what he knew about the Red Viper Coven? When did he invite himself?

Honestly I did consider leaving without him, but I have realised having backup is always good. I sunk in my bed, and then was woken by my phone ringing. I didn't even realize when I had fallen asleep.

"Kol?" I yawned into the device.

"I'm here, I could sniff you out, but an address would be nice." He just couldn't keep his snarky comments in his pants. I rolled my eyes and texted him my hotels details.

I knew he was here, even before there was the knock on my door. I always know when they're around. Maybe it's their supernatural signature or something.

I opened the door and there he was, he wasn't smiling or anything. He was just staring wide eyed at me,that's when I realized we were meeting for real for the first time.

After an awkward silence, I asked him to come in. But I never saw what came next. I was in the middle of the room a few feet mid air, out of breath or choking. It happened too fast, and there was this wierd warm feeling.

When the shock wore off, I saw I was suspended in bear hug. So I went with it, I hugged him back, I did miss him. Diabolical may be, but he was my favorite Mikaelson. He kissed my cheek before letting me down.

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