The Noblemans leap

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I was fidgeting at my cuticles as I waited for Elijah in the lobby. I wasn't expecting his call, not after the conversation we had. I wondered how he tracked me down, and tried to stay focused.

A smooth voice came from behind me, "Sienna?" I calmly got out my seat to lay eyes on him. He wasn't in his usual suit and tie, a random t-shirt and denims, he looked less polished but in a good way.

"I wasn't expecting to hear from you... Ever." I completed after our eyes met.

"Well, next time try leaving a card, I had to compel half the city to get your number." He smiled.

"I didn't see the point, after" I trailed on.

"I wasn't thinking straight, and you jumped me with too much information." He rolled his eyes as he sat next to me in the waiting area.

"Elijah, you knew an awful lot for someone who's left all his memories behind." I grumbled, and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I can't explain it, I just know all the facts, but none of the feelings are here." He told me, I refused to acknowledge him.

"Then why bother coming?" I got out of my seat agitated at his pathetic excuse.

"I don't know, why?! I dont remember you, I just know you're someone that mattered. And then you showed up asking for help," he stood towering over me. His voice was loud, but not harsh.

"I came to you for your niece!" I spat. "And that's why I drove you away, I don't want to have anything to do with them." He hissed, stepping closer, making me stumble back.

"Well then you can be on your way, I'm still trying to figure out a way to help Hope." I shrugged and put my duffle bag on my shoulder.

"Let me help you," he held my wrist before I could walk away. "Even if it's for your family?" I asked without looking at him.

"I'm not doing it for them, it's for me. That thing is inside me too." He tried to reason with me.

"So that's why you're here?" I pulled away and turned at him narrowing my eyes displeased at his selfish agenda.

"That, and because I need to know you better. Something tells me, I can trust you." He sighed and confessed his real motive.

"You've lost your mind Elijah! You don't trust your blood, but you're here to help a complete stranger." I laughed at him.

"But you're not, a stranger. I need to be there for you. Call it instinct, and  as much as I try I can't shake it off." His words were genuine, he wasn't bluffing.

"Fine, I'm going to Beijing, wanna tag along?" I asked and he just gave me his victory smile.

Kol told Klaus about the plan, and he managed to send his private jet for us to go. It was mostly quiet but just when I was about to doze off, his voice came out the back. "You up for a chat?"

"Yeah, sure." I straightened my back and he sat next to me.

"Tell me how was our relationship? Were we friends?"
I didn't expect those questions, I was like yeah we're going to meet a shady coven to get some black magic tips n tricks.

"You seem too interested in your past for someone who wanted to run away from it.?" I tried to deflect him.

"I wanted to get away from my family, loosing everything along with that was collateral damage." He chuckled.

"I'm sorry," I sighed. "Your family was your everything to you though. At least as long as I knew you."

"And when was that?" He sprang suddenly. "A few centuries ago."

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