Chapter 10: Acceptance

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Hey readers! I just wanted to quickly write about what will happen in this chapter. There is no Gonta ship in this ship ( because no one deserves someone so pure). This will just be him. So no POV changes.

Ok let's get to it!

Gonta's POV

Another day. Another day of sex, bullying and abuse at home. That's my life. It sounds sad I know, but at this point I'm just used to it. Nothing will never change. I will never be accepted.

I looked to my side to see a girl with peachy skin, black hair, blue eyes, average height wearing nothing.

" Gonta? Are you ok?" She asks with a less than un enthusiastic voice.

I hated when these whores did this kinda shit.

I get up out of my bed and looked out the window.

" Well if your not gonna respond than I'll just go, by the way, it was so small that I couldn't feel anything anyway!" She said as she slammed the door.

I couldn't care less. It was dusk and all the creatures came out. But there was one that mainly had my attention. A beautiful monarch butterfly. So free, so beautiful. So accepted into the morning horizon.

I had decided to just stay in bed until evening time for today. I was invited to some party by this really shy but also obsessive guy. Shuichi Saihara. He was on of my main victims along with that shorty with short hazel hair. As for why he wanted me there, I don't know, but I'll go anyway. Maybe I'll cause a ruckus or maybe not. Who fucking knows. Not even me.

Everything was peaceful until my stupid ass dad came home.
" BOY,BOY!" He screamed.
God fucking dammit. He's always like this. Im not even gonna bother right now honestly. Unfortunately he wouldn't.

" OH, SO YOU THOUGHT I WOULDN'T FIND YOU HUH!?" He screamed as he bursted into my room.

I didn't respond. I already knew what was gonna happen next. He threw his beer bottle at me but I caught it and gently placed it to my side. Before I knew it he was gone . Believe it or not. This is what happens in my everyday life.

Soon after I fell back asleep.

In Gontas Dream

Im in a state of mind right now while I'm unconscience. A dream if you would put it. Teachers called me a gifted student. Grades never dropped below an A.

I was dreaming about a different me. I was in a forest surrounded by bugs. Icky yucky ones. But I seemed ...happy. Happy is something I've never been. I was about to get up ... before I stopped. I felt embraced by the bugs. It felt so warm. So loving. So... accepting!

I woke up and it was already afternoon

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I woke up and it was already afternoon. I decided to begin to prepare myself for this afternoons festivities.

Timeskip 1 hour

I had arrived at the designated location. There I had seen a figure in the close ranged distance.

I could not distinguish who it was at first. However as she got closer and closer, I had been able to make due with who I saw. She had short silver hair that had covered her left eye. She was in a black dress that revealed a large amount of cleavage.

" SUP SLUT" I say with a neutral expression. She looked at me with a scowl. " Good for nothing big dicked freak" she shot back.

We had continued to bicker until we heard the door open. Inside the frame was a short girl with brown pigtails. A red shirt, Vermillion yoga pants and had blood red eyes.

" um.. are you h-here for the p-party.." she said with a quiet voice. Kirumi changed her facial expression from pissed off to happy. " Yes we are!" She said with glee.

" oi, Maki! Everything ok out there?" Said the voice of Kaito Momota. " Yeah! Everything is fine kaimo!" She had let us into the house and we had entered straight into the heart of the festivities. There we had seen 9 other high school students. All chatting and having a great time.

I wanted to join but as always, I mess up my newly found opportunities. All Ryoma did was say Hi to me.. but I was cold to him. He didn't deserve it.

The party went on and on. We played games, Chatted, at some good food and more! It was a blast. Until I fucked it up. I had broken a plate.

" sorry " I apologized. Then the chair I was sitting on broke. Next came a cup abd then a picture frame of 6 adults. 3 mothers and fathers. 3 pairs resembling where one of the pairs resembled either Shuichi, Maki or Himiko. I apologized again.

Everyone just stared. I had decided it was time for me to go.

" I'm sorry for the damage.. I'll go , have a good evening" I say ashamed. I had made it to the door until I was stopped. I felt someone grab my wrist.

When I looked behind me, it was Saihara.

" Why are you stopping me?" I asked him.

He looked at me. He had rushed towards to me and embarrassed me.

" I don't want you to leave because your a good person. There's more to you and I wanted to learn more about you." Said Shuichi.

" Really"? I asked

Kaito then spoke . " Yeah, your a good guy!"

I felt tears form in the corners of my eyes.

" Your you, thats all that matters! Said Tenko

" Love yourself Gonta, cause after tonight we love you!" Said Miu

" Yeah, we've all made our mistakes but we can fix them! Right Ryoma! Said Kirumi

Ryoma had walked up to me to shake my hand. This time I accept. I was finally granted, acceptance.

The end

Next chapter will be a short but it'll be about everyone's favorite robot.

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