First Neutral Chapter here we go
Its been a week after Shuichis party, today is the day the cast will all meet.
In the cafeteria
" and thats how you have two guys in your ass at once" said Kirumi.
Everyone around her had disgusted and shocked faces.
" Blllaaaaghhh" was heard by Kaito throwing up.
" So um, anymore statements or stories..." kaede said breaking the ice.
" Actually how did we get here?" Asked Angie
Flashback time yaaaaay
Shuichi, Tenko and Ryoma were sitting at a table in the cafeteria. Soon Gonta joined. Defensive, Shuichi and Ryoma got up but all Gonta did was sit down. Shuichi and Ryoma still on guard did the same. Kokichi and Miu soon came and sat down with them, again no one said anything. Kaede came and surprised Shuichi with a kiss, called him an idiot and sat down next to him. Kaito and Maki come in and sat down laughing. While Korekiyo was preaching to Angie, she got so hyped and jumped on the table screaming " WE LOVE GOD". Once she was calm, they settled down next to us. Lastly, coming from underneath the table from where Ryoma was sitting Kirumi popped up with bad breath with Himiko dashing in real sweaty from tryouts for whatever sport. Shuichi then started talking about Danganronpa as the others chimed in.
" Oh yeeeah" Said Kokichi.
" You know, its been awesome ever since that day, I really like this" said Miu while blushing" Yeah, this could be the start of something beautiful~" Said Korekiyo
After that last statement, we heard the speakers come on.
Shuichi Saihara please report to the principals office, Shuichi Saihara please report to the principals office.
( God I hope not) Shuichi thought to himself.
Shuichi got up and left the table be being slapped on the ass by Kaede and then the face by Kaede
While walking down he thought about next year.
Shuichi: Danganronpa 53 huh, I can't wait to kill or be killed! My senior year and I'll be there! It'll be great.
Shuichi finally approached the Principals office. The principal was a Japanese man with black eyes and blue hair.
" Hello Mr. Shirogane." He greeted him.
" SHUICHI MY MAN" he greeted Shuichi with a fist bump.Shuichi did the same with a neutral expression
"Shuichi, you know Danganronpa 52 ended a couple of weeks ago right?" He asked.
" Yes sir" Shuichi responded.
" Well, my Niece Tsumugi Shirogane and a fellow survivor named Rantaro Amami are going to attend here next week Monday, I was hoping they could stay with you for the rest of the school year?" He asked.
Shuichis face lit up like a Christmas tree
" YES YES, OF COURSE SIR OMG YEEES" screamed Shuichi
" Good cause there already here, Tsumugi, Rantaro come in!"
Rantaro and Tsumugi finally rolled in to the office
" Hello Shuichi!" Said Tsumugi
" H-hi" he responded
" Thanks for letting us stay with you, means a lot!" Said Rantaro" Its my p- pl- Pleasure" Said Shuichi
After greeting each other, the trio existed the office
" U-um, I live with two other girls in my house, please don't mind them" shuichi stated
" Ok! Hey um Shuichi, your in the Danganronpa club right?" Asked Rantaro
" Danganronpa club?" Shuichi questioned
" Uh oh, our information must've been false, oh well, do you like it at least?" Tsumugi asked him.
" I fucking love Danganronpa!" Shuichi shouted
" Awesome!" They both replied.
The trio had finally made it to the house and Rantaro and Tsumugi met Himiko and Maki.
The girls were constantly asking them questions about the game.
After eating pizza they had gotten settled in there rooms.
Shuichi and Rantaro were bunking together and Tsumugi and Maki were now sharing a room.
As the five prepared to go to, Shuichi checked his messages.
A new chat had been made consisting of himself and 15 others. The admin was someone named Keebo.
Author: and so, the plot and Craziness kicks in!

We R Who We Were NDRV3
FanfictionShuichi Saihara is an Orphan living with his two sisters after an accident that killed their parents. He is a selfish person that only cares about one thing Danganronpa. One day he meets his polar opposite. A girl who has bad blood with Danganronpa...