Chapter 30: The choice

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Here we go, final chapter for Arc 3

"Hope or Despair?" Said Keebo

"Yes, Hope if you will join us, Despair if you side with Kodaka" Shuichi explained

" what difference would it make if I chose either or?" Keebo asked

" Choosing hope will help make a difference! However Despair makes you side with Kodaka" Makoto told him

" I still fail to see the problem" Keebo admitted

" Scoffs of course you don't you stupid AI" said by a masculine voice

" Souda relax, he doesn't understand so let us show him" A feminine voice explained

" Man I'm hungry" Said a female voice

" Quiet you dumb kids" said a male voice

" B-but were in our late 30's..." Said a deep yet shaky voice

" You guys! Your here!" Hina exclaimed with excitement

Into the light came in: Kazuichi Souda, Sonia Nevermind,Akane Owari, Kyosuke Munakata and Yasahiro Hagakura.

Once they were visible Shuichi had nearly fainted

" How do these people keep finding our house?" Himiko questioned while holding her head

Souda held out his phone with a red dot on it

"My Wheelchair has a tracking device in it" Makoto explained

" Hmmm makes sense" Gonta admitted

" Ah Naegi I see your fairing well!" Sonia complimented Makoto

" Yeah and so do the rest of you!" Makoto said

" Yeah but I'm just so hungry.." Akane complained

" I-I can cook...." Maki offered

" REALLY THANKS GIRL!" Akane thanked Maki who had here thumb up

" Keebo, I'll need your help preparing it" Maki told Keebo

" How am I supposed to help?" Keebo asked

" I need you to give me the recipe to making a good salad dressing and call the local pizza place" She explained picking up the phone

" Ok" Keebo complied

Maki and Keebo enter the Kitchen

Maki asked Keebo to get the recipe for salad dressing

After he called the pizza place and ordered 3 Pepperoni Pizzas and 2 Cheese as well as 8 boxes for Akane

While Maki was preparing the Salad dressing she decided to talk to Keebo

" Hey Keebo, what are your goals?" Maki asked

" Goals, please explain what goals are?"

" Goals are well ambitions, things you want to achieve" Maki explained

" I don't have anything I want to achieve" Keebo admitted

Maki just smiled

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