Chapter 18: Mystery Solved?

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5 days after the group chats creation

" AHHHHHHHHHH, WHERE IS IT!" Was heard from Kaedes room

Her mother proceeds to run to Kaedes room

" Kaede, sweetie are you alright?!" Her mother asks alarmed

" NO, I LOST IT!" Kaede said

" Lost what?" Her mother asked


The next day

In the cafeteria

The group was hearing one of Tsumugis stories about how she and Rantaro got into Danganronpa

She then noticed Kaedes expression

" Kaede Whats wrong?" Tsumugi asked

" I lost some precious to me.." Kaede explained

" Oh, that being?" Kokichi asked

" My fathers locket.." she explained

" Oh, why is it important-"Kaito was about to ask before being hit by Gonta

" I mean, what can we do to help?" He asked

Ryoma then had an idea in his idea


Everyone stares at him

" A what?" Rantaro asked

" let's make a group of give people to find Kaedes locket!"

" You mean like Mystery inc?" Maki asked

" Yeah! Who's in!"

Gonta, Miu, Tsumugi, Kaito and Shuichi were chosen by Kaede


" Gonta, your Fred, the planner and Leader, Miu your Daphne, the rich girl who is good at getting information , Tsumugi your velma, the wiz kid, Kaito your shaggy, the best friend and hungry man scared of everything and Shuichi your Scooby Doo, the dog and resolver of the group!" An excited Maki explained

" Oh by the way Shuichi you'll wanna wear this" Kirumi handed him a pair of fake ears and a fake nose

" Why?" Shuichi asked

" Cause your the dog, gotta look the part!" Himiko explained

" Why cant Kaito be the dog!" Shuichi asked

" He's too much of a scaredy cat" everyone but Kaito told Shuichi

" HEY!" Said Kaito

" Ok maggots lets go.." Gonta said with no enthusiasm

" Gonta your the leader and were called gang!" Tsumugi said

" Ok lets get a move on gang" Gonta still said with no enthusiasm

The mystery gang leaves with Shuichi being dragged by Kaito on a leash

" Kaede, do they even know where to start?" Kokichi asked her

" Nope.." she answered

An hour later

" So um, what are we supposed to do?" Miu asked

" Look for clues!" Tsumugi Said energetically

" Ok" Said Kaito

Tsumugi looks at him with disgust

" Wha- What?" Kaito asks

" Your supposed to say Zoinks, like and man!" Tsumugi explained

" Miu you say Jeepers! I say Jinkies! And Shuichi says everything with a R at the beginning!" Tsumugi claimed

" um, Rwhat rabout Gonta?" Shuichi asked using his new form of speech

" I don't know actually?" Said Tsumugi

" I say Fuck" Gonta Claimed

" Jeepers!" Miu said

" Zoinks!" Said Kaito

" Jinkies!" Said Tsumugi

" FUCK" said Gonta

" NIG-" Said Shuichi before being slapped by Miu

" NONE OF THAT!" She exclaimed

" Ok, how will we find clues?" Tsumugi asked

" Lets Question Kaede!" Said Kaito

As they questioned Kaede, they discovered that it was last seen while she was sleeping

" Hmm, ok, maybe we should investigate her room" Miu stated

" I've done much in there so I'll do it" Shuichi said

" Shuichi..." Said Tsumugi

" Roh, Sorrry!" Said Shuichi

In Kaedes room

" Feel free to check Shuichi!" Said Kaedes Mother

" Ok boy, let's go!" Said Kaito while dragging Shuichi up the stairs

After the investigation they returned

" Reade ras a stalker!" Shuchi stated

" How do you know?" Gonta asked

" Her window was left open and there were footprints that aren't any of ours or her and her mothers" said Kaito

" JEEPERS!" Miu exclaimed

" We need to set a trap!" Gonta stated. " Gather everyone here!

It's night time and Kaede is seen sleeping in her bed.

Its 2:00

The creeper now enters through the window but first falls onto the set Skateboard, it rolled out of them room and sent them over her staircase. Then they fell onto a trampoline that bounced them onto the ground and was then carried into a net.

Everyone comes out

" It worked!" Said Gonta

" Now Lets see who this really is!" Said Shuichi

They are unmasked to reveal.... a random male

" WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU" Everyone screamed. " Im, Saiki, Saiki Tetsuya" said saiki. " Why are you stalking me!?" Kaede asked

" Because..... Because..." he failed to get out. " Because what!" I asked frustrated. " CAUSE IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!" He confessed. " Kaede I- " I'm taken" Kaede said not even letting him finish. " I have a boyfriend, go die" she said coldly.

Saiki was then arrested and taken away

" Good work team!" Tsumugi congratulated them

" Yeah!" They all High fived

" Guys one problem.... MY LOCKET" Kaede reminded them

" Oh right, it was under your bed" Shuichi told her

"...... oh" she responded

" Mystery solved?" Tsumugi questioned


Author: Hey readers, I hope you liked this parody chapter. I also wanted to do a Q&A. Feel free to ask me Questions and I'll answer them at the end of the next chapters. Feel free to dm them or comment them.

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