Chapter 39: Why we do what we do

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Gonta's POV
Im walking Kirumi home. The creator asked us to leaved the main building and go home. But, I wasn't alone.

For some reason, Tsuki Hikari,( cosmicaria ) the ultimate princess was with us. I don't know why though? Her hotel was in the opposite direction? Maybe she wanted to come home with me?

Naw don't be stupid Gonta, she's the ultimate princess! Why would she like you?

Hell why am I even concerned about this? My friend is the hospital holding on to dear life! Why she's coming with me does matter!

Angie's POV ( Hey, I guess she is still alive!)
Since Tenko had to stay at the main building to make sure Ryoma is... well.. gonna make it.. I had to get a ride. Thankfully Miu offered for me to stay with her for the night.

I wanted to stay with Kiyo, but hey! Maybe I can learn more about Miu.

The weirdest part of my predicament is that me and Miu are not the only passengers.

For some reason, Honey Issac (Cosplaywithflare) the ultimate guitarist was riding with us. Maybe she needed a ride to her hotel? But why would she ask Korekiyo? She has her own limousine?

Does she have a crush on Kiyo? No I don't so. I remember before we meet her, Shuichi showed me and Kiyo her character profile on the official Danganronpa website, she's gay.

Does she like Miu? DOES SHE LIKE ME? I'm not homophobic, hell I live with a bisexual teen who has a girlfriend, constantly hanging out with a hyperactive Lesbian and newly found Bisexuals ( Rantaro, Kaede who's only 25% and Gonta).

What was her reason?
Tsumugi's POV
Today's been really eventful.. We have a girl who attempted to kill MY BOSS! An angry prostitute, A boy who for some reason is wearing camouflage, two depressed teens who are still at the main building, a horny but angry rich boy, and.. a dying friend...

God today's been a mess. First Ryoma tries to kill himself, then Kirumi attacks Tsuki, next we found out that someone I called a friend is partially at fault for Ryoma's state, after we found out we're rebuilding the voted " best entertainment Trilogy" and now we have to leave?!

I don't understand what's going on anymore! I thought I knew everything! Then I find out my friend's are comatose, I have to be the mastermind for the next killing game and now I'm expected to help end the #1 Tv show in the world!

I'm confused! I'm scared! What am I even doing here? I'm just a plain weeaboo!

" Taro.." I muttered into my boyfriend's arm. " Yes Tsuzi?" He responded. " What are we going to do when after the killing game?" I asked.

He smiled and kissed me. " We're going to move, let's move to America! Let's leave Danganronpa behind!" He suggested

" Hmph, leave behind Danganronpa.. I wish I could.." said
Rosé( UsErNaMe_EmAnReSu_)

" Ms. Rosé, why are you here?" Rantaro asked

" To make sure you all get home safe.. Mr. Naegi asked me to" Rosé explained
Gonta's Pov
Angie's POV

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