Chapter 8 ~ What Have I Done?

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Episode: Season 11 - Thin Lizzie Pt. 5

Note: Final chapter for this episode, guys! Also, this is veering off a bit on this particular episode from the original plot of it to fit my story :) Although it will mostly stay the same and stick with the episodes for the rest of it :) Also one scene was very much inspired by the pilot of the new CW show, Roswell, New Mexico so I hope y'all like it! ^_^  

"SAM!" I screamed in terror, the words ripping free from my throat.

Blood spilled from the wound profusely, staining the tan jacket that he always wore crimson. I knelt down by him quickly as he groaned in pain, pressing my hands to his chest to stop the bleeding as much as I could. But it wasn't helping, he was losing too much. No, no, no, no, no - this couldn't be happening! He couldn't die like this!

I glared up at the teenage girl who just grinned down at me with indifference before shrugging, "Oops. My finger must have slipped,"

"Yeah? Mine too," I spat, concentrating hard enough as I lifted my hand and managed to do the same telekinesis trick like I did with the lock except this time on her.

I heard one of the bones pop in her wrist and she cried out in agony before sending me a dark look, "You'll pay for that, you little-"

But I was no longer listening to her as I turned back to Sam, suddenly worried as his noises of discomfort lessened. His skin had grown paler and I chewed my bottom lip in fear.

"Sam? Sam! Sam, stay with me!" I pleaded, tugging at his sleeve like a small child would do when needing reassurance.

But ever so slowly, I heard his breathing become labored, his eyes getting heavy as he drifted in and out of consciousness. I went cold all over, feeling my heart pound in my chest. No. NO! There wasn't much time left. As my mind went into overdrive with trying to think, so suddenly it surprised me, the solution come. The only solution. Turning my head slightly to face the babysitter who was now making her way over to me and Sam, I let a sigh escape my mouth.

"I'm sorry. I have no choice..." I said, regret lacing my words as my hand shot out to take her by the wrist, incidentally the one I'd just injured as she cried out in pain.

My other hand was still pressed to the wound on Sam's chest though and slowly, I felt the energy from Sam transfer to the girl through me, using my body almost like a lightning rod, a conductor. A slight whimper of pain passed my lips as the lights flickered in the house, popping in showers of sparks as the air surrounding the three of us crackled with energy. Steadily, the bullet dislodged from his chest and Sam's wound began to heal. The skin knitting back together could be clearly seen through the open hole in his shirt. And suddenly, just like that, it was all over.

I slumped over from exhaustion as Sam's eyes flew open and the girl who's wrist I'd been holding fell limply from my hand, her own shirt now covered in blood. But her body began to convulse as soon as she hit the floor. Sam sat up, gasping for breath, hazel eyes connecting to my own gaze. Shock and confusion was clearly written there.

"I was shot? I was shot?" he asked in disbelief, trying to catch his breath as he patted his chest to check for a wound.

His eyes met mine again then and I swallowed hard as the question I knew he'd asked passed his lips, "What did you do, Carter?"

But before I could reply, Dean came barging in, his own gun held high as his green eyes quickly surveyed the situation - the dying girl, the still tied-up boy, and of course, the blood covering Sam's own shirt. Dean's gaze flicked to me and I prepared for the onslaught of questions but as soon as he opened his mouth, the girl interrupted.

"The Darkness is coming. It's so peaceful... It's coming for all of us..."

Sam's gaze shifted to mine once again, our eyes locking as the realization of what just happened washed over me.

What had I done?

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