a little change

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A woman had ordered for coffee in the cafe where Fang Fang was working as a waitress.

After serving the coffee she had just sat down when she saw Yi Yang walking towards them and took the woman's coffee and started looking at it. The woman stared at him weirdly, but he just glanced at her.

"Is this your coffee?"

The woman nodded.

Fang Fang got up and took the cup in her hands. 

"I'm sorry. That's just who he is".

The woman sighed and finding the situation a bit weird, left as well.

Fang Fang moved to the couch the woman was sitting in and Yi Yang moved to the one Fang Fang was sitting in. Fang Fang was mad at him for making the woman leave due to his weird behaviour.

"How many times have I told you, don't throw other people's things away".

"I couldn't help it" he said gently.

Fang Fang was still a little mad at him and embarrassed but then Yi Yang gently smiled looking at her.

"I wanted to be right next to you" he reached out and squeezed her hand gently and held it.

"It's okay" she pouted and he couldn't help but giggle silently enough for her to hear.

"Why are you laughing? What is so funny to you right now?"

"You. Do you know that you look really cute when you're mad or angry?"

Her irritation faded away. She blushed and gently smiled looking at the floor. He smiled back at her and squeezed her hand tight this time.

"You haven't changed that much"

"Well, I've showed a little change by forgetting the past and focusing on the present. I was way too arrogant to people who I should've supported".

"Well change comes little by little. Yi Yang, you're doing well".

He smiled at her and she smiled back at him, still holding hands. ❤️


word count - 315 words

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