stay with me

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Yi Yang was currently carrying a drunk Fang Fang on his back after her new roommate forced her to take shots as a "new experience". Well, it really was a "good experience" for Fang Fang, but not a good one for Yi Yang, as he was the one who decided to take care of a drunk Fang Fang.

As Yi Yang walked with Fang Fang on his back, she suddenly rose up opening her eyes and flapping her arms like a bird.

"Ommo, I'm flying in the air" Fang Fang squealed happily "I believe I can fly!".

"I feel like I'm gonna fly to heaven right now" Yi Yang said gritting his teeth annoyed while trying to adjust her on his back.

"Yi Yang, let's fly to somewhere so that no one finds us!" she said and laughed.

Suddenly, Fang Fang was dropped to the ground by him as she pouted and he looked at her with an annoyed look.

"I'm leaving you here, fly by yourself" he said imitating her by flapping his arms before almost leaving, when he saw her holding his leg.

"Don't leave me, I believe hashiridasu" she said quietly, before laughing out even louder.

"Jesus" he muttered under his breath, as he removed her hands from his leg and pretended to walk away when he suddenly stopped as a random guy started talking to Fang Fang.

"Such a beautiful person sitting on the ground? Why are you sitting alone" someone patted her shoulder.

"I'm trying to fly...can you teach me how to fly?!" she asked innocently, squealing in joy.

"Sure, let me take you to a magical place" he whispered loud enough, that even Li Yang heard it.

"Let's go!" Fang Fang tried standing up, but fell again and laughed at herself.

"Oh, you fell! Let me carry y-"

Yi Yang broke the scene by giving a death glare to the man, as he understood what Yi Yang meant.

"I-I will leave" the man said and ran away.

"Come back! Teach me how to fly-" she said but was immediately stopped by Yi Yang putting his hand over her mouth, as they stood still while facing each other.

He looked at her hazy eyes while she looked at his serious face.

"You're so cute" she said before she passed out and fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Says the one who is cute herself" he said before carrying her bridal style and making their way to her dorm room.

10 minutes later, they arrived at her dorm and then it took 5 minutes to arrive at her dorm.

He removed her shoes, and then carefully laid her down in her bed while tucking in the covers.

"Goodnight" he whispered, as he wanted to kiss her forehead but didn't want to disturb her sleeping so he decided to leave. 

Until Fang Fang held his hand and stopped him from leaving.

Yi Yang turned around and saw Fang Fang holding his hand while her eyes were still closed.

"Stay with me, Yi Yang".




i'm reborn again.

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