love over standards

925 35 13

(ft. Chen Qing Qing & Si Tu Feng)

"Hey Yi Yang, did you call Fang Fang to know if they're here?" Si Tu Feng asked.

"Yeah, they're almost going to be here!" he said smiling and then both started talking and laughing.

Today, they were invited to Gu Nan Xi's grand party! They all had to look fabulous and beautiful!

"There they are!" Si Tu Feng interrupted and walked over to Chen Qing Qing while he stood there staring at her and smiling. She wore a baby pink coloured dress with a loose fishtail braid on the side.

Fang Fang looked up and saw Yi Yang glancing at her and she smiled brightly.

"Are you just going to stare at me like this?"

"I wish I could but let's go inside shall we?" He came forward as he took her hand and kissed her hand softly and looked at her with love in his eyes.

He's so perfectly handsome all the time!

She's amazingly beautiful inside out today!

They entered the hall that was decorated in blue and red, it looked so beautiful!

"The hall looks beautiful but you look even more" he whispered into her ears.

She poked him in the stomach with her elbow as he winced a little.

"Aish, what was that for?"

"For being cheesy all the time!" she said as she laughed a little, which made him smile.

They were interrupted by Si Tu Feng calling Yi Yang as Fang Fang made her way towards Chen Qing Qing. He introduced Yi Yang to a new friend of his, while Fang Fang started talking to her.

The party went on as everyone danced, talked cheerfully and let everything happen positively.

( 2 hours skip )

"Thank you so much!"

Fang Fang got herself apple juice and was walking in a straight direction when she collided with someone and the apple juice spilled in the person's white dress. She was Lan Xin Ya.

"I' sorry---"

She looked up angrily, and frowned seeing Fang Fang.

"You? What are you doing here?" she shouted which made Fang Fang flinch a bit.

"I-I came w-w-with"

"Stop stammering!" she screamed grabbing the attention of other people as they approached.

"Aish, my white dress!" she whined as Fang Fang grabbed a handful of tissues to wipe her dress but she pushed her hand away.

"You don't have the standards to even BUY this dress and YOU WANT TO TOUCH THIS BRANDED WHITE DRESS WITH THOSE HANDS OF YOURS?!" she screamed louder, as Fang Fang got tears in her eyes.

Chen Qing Qing stepped in front of Fang Fang boldly, as she angrily looked at Xin Ya.

"Ya! Stop Screaming at her! It's your fault for not being in reality, you plastic bish!"

"What did you call me?!"

"I called you bish! Do you wanna hear anything else?!"

She pushed Chen Qing Qing away and she fell on the floor, before coming closer to Fang Fang.

"P-p-please forgive me!" Fang Fang stepped a little back before she felt cold liquid pour from the top, as Xin Ya poured a glass full of wine on her. Chen Qing Qing stared in disbelief and anger.

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