hot chocolate

543 23 18

The doorbell to Yiyang's house rang twice, but he was too sleepy to get up to open the door.

Fang Fang heavily sighed and started ringing it continuously while pouting hard.

Yiyang thought that covering his ears using a pillow would help, but the loud ding dong of the doorbell rang in the entire house and he angrily threw the pillow onto the floor.

Fang Fang was doing it continuously until she heard him shout "Coming! Hold up!"

She softly smiled as he furiously opened the door, startling Fang Fang.

"What the heck do you-" Yiyang stopped as he rubbed his eyes and saw Fang Fang standing outside his front door. She was fiddling with her fingers and looking down with a soft smile.

"Fang Fang?"

"Yes! Did you not recognize me?!"

"I didn't mean to say that! Sorry" he lightly hit his head. "Come in"

"Were you sleeping?" she asked, while sitting down on his couch.

"Yeah, kind of" he replied and noticed a medium-sized bag in Fang Fang's hand.

"What do you have in this bag" he asked, resting his head on the couch.

"Oh! I forgot to tell what I even came here for!" Fang Fang tied her hair up into a bun before opening up the bag, taking out a warm box and placing it on the centre table.

"I baked some fresh chocolate chip cookies yesterday! I've taken a leave from my dorm room for about a week because I really missed my parents a lot, especially my father".

"How's your father's health? Is he doing better?" he asked sitting upright.

"He's doing fine. Better than before" she reassured him with a wide smile.

"I like it when you smile like that"

"Like what?"

"Like how you just smiled seconds ago? Your wide smile? It suits you"

His compliment made Fang Fang blush, as she smiled towards him.

"Coming back to what I was saying, I baked cookies and I gave out only some of them to my new neighbours. They have two daughters who are such share such a beautiful bond of sisterhood"

Yiyang nodded, while Fang Fang opened the box.

"Ommo! So many delicious cookies!" he stared into the box with glee in his eyes.

"Let's have it with hot chocolate" Fang Fang said, closing the lid of the box a little.

"Sure! But since you made the cookies, I'll make the hot chocolate" Yiyang said quickly before kissing Fang Fang's cheek and running away to the kitchen, while she yelled at him and laughed to herself. Fang Fang was checking her social media, while Yiyang was preparing hot chocolate for the two of them.

15-20 minutes later, he came out of the kitchen with two mugs of hot chocolate.

"I don't have marshmellows at my home, plus they taste really weird so I don't keep them"

"It's okay, everyone has a different taste" Fang Fang reassured him.

"My soul feels so warm" she closed her eyes and felt the moment of euphoria tingling around her as she took a sip out of her mug.

"Your cookies taste like they are from cloud nine heaven" he said as he took a bite out of her cookie.

"Thank you"

"We should thank the both of us!"

"Yes, that should be fair!" she said happily and both of them laughed.

Time passed by, as they had funny conversations and beautiful ones too.

An hour later, Fang Fang saw the time and wanted to leave but saw Yiyang quickly lying down in her lap and hugging her arm as a pillow.

"Ya! You're such a baby"

"I know. I am your baby!" he said acting cute, while looking up and then closing his eyes again.

" won't change" Fang Fang said, running her hands through his soft strands of hair.

"Never" he said looking up at her, as she smiled widely towards him nuzzling their noses together.




Hey, it's author-nim!

I'm sorry for the late updates.

I have AP classes now and life's just really hard :')

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