cheesy love poems

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Fang Fang entered the library in search of a new book to read. She had just finished reading "Twenty Love Poems" by Pablo Neruda. It was full of cheesy poems and she loved reading romantic poetry. It reminded her of Yi Yang. ❤️

She walked in the path between two bookshelves aligned with poetry books.

She wanted to read another book full of romantic and heartfelt poetry.

She was looking through a bookshelf when all of a sudden someone startled her from the back.

"Boo!" He whispered near her ears.

She didn't scream thankfully because they were in a library but she got startled easily.

"Do you realize we are in a library?"

"Of course not, I thought we were in a bookstore" he said and lightly laughed.

She pouted along with his soft giggles.

"So, are you here to borrow another book full of "cheesy poems"? Last time I read it and I actually blushed in some scenes, how did you read it so effortlessly?"

"I mean...I blushed know.  And yeah, I'm here looking for another book full of "cheesy love poems".

He smiled and both of them started looking through so many poetry books.

"I found one" he said. He reached to get a book from one of the top rows.

"It's called "The Dark Between Stars" by Atticus Poetry".

"I've seen this book before! Someone wrote a review on it stating how beautiful and amazing his poetry is. Let's read it".

"Shall we read it together?"

"Sure!". She gave a big smile and they headed towards an empty table holding hands.

There they sat reading together side by side and glancing at each other every moment one of them blushed.

Blushed...because almost every page was relatable to their relationship.

"You will never be unloved by me (Atticus, 2)".

"Stop being too cheesy! You'll make me blush in front of everyone..." she said.

"How can you read it in the book then?"

She didn't reply but gave a smile and started reading again.

He glanced at her and smiled wide enough.

"I'm so glad to have someone like her" he thought. "It's so hard to find someone like you" 🌟

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