coffee conversations

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10:30 A.M

The sweet bell ringed as Fang Fang entered the coffee shop.

"Aah, the smell of this place warms my soul so much right now!" 

"Isn't it supposed to smell like that?" she heard a familiar voice as she smiled.

"Hi Yiyang!" she softly smiled.

"Coffee has the power to warm everybody's soul and you have the power to warm my soul," he said as he put an arm around her waist and she softly smiled.

Yiyang looked at her softly smiling as he smiled back to her.

"Are you just going to stand here or shall we go sit down?"

She nodded and they sat down in an empty spot.

The cafe had vintage architecture that brought back nostalgic feelings.

The waitress took the orders and brought in two cappuccinos and two sandwiches.

"Aah, the warmth!" both of them said in unison as they took a sip from it.

"To be honest, I could do this every day".

"We just have a year of college left and then we can do this every day" he smiled and softly giggled.

"Aish, you're so cute!" She pinched his cheeks and he blushed a little.

"Y-Ya! I'm not cute" he said deepening his voice and looking away for a little while.

"Look into my eyes, Fang Fang. What do you see in them?" His raspy deep voice came closer to her as she stared into those eyes.

"Yiyang..." she stared into his eyes.

"Yiyang-----...YOU'RE STILL CUTE!" she laughed as his breath tickled her face and neck.

"Wow, I should really start wearing black again".

"Oh my god please take a break from wearing black all the time already! You've been wearing black for an eternity already" she pouted.

He looked away as he smiled wide and looked at her pouting. "Do you know who is actually cute here?"

"It's you," he said as he looked at her and she looked down blushing and smiling softly.

Outside, snowflakes fell from the sky touching the ground and making a pattern on it.

Yiyang came closer to FangFang and held her hand to give warmth to her cold hands.

To get to know each other they talked about a LOT of stuff from their favorite color to their funniest memories.

They talked while holding hands and sat close to each other.

"You know what, we should have conversations over coffee most of the time," he smiled and kissed her forehead, as she blushed and dug her face into his shoulders.




I'm sorry I'm bad at writing 😅But I updated after soooo long <3

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