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I never wouldn't thought cutting hair could really be a stress reliever. I feel like a new me. I feel more masculine than I've ever felt in my life. I love a part of myself for the first time in forever. I love looking more like a boy, I love being a boy. Scared of what people will say at school. Will they think I'm a butch, a lesbian? Not that there's anything wrong with it. I just hate those labels for me. Why can't someone cut their hair, dye it whatever color they like, wear what they enjoy, like the things they like, listen to whatever music, and so much more, without getting judged? I hate this world I live in. Dying to live somewhere where there's peace, equality, happiness, true love. Will our world ever be like that? Or shall people continue to be dense and live in their own minds, so close minded, rejecting any new ideas and way of living in a century from now? Dying to get a taste of something more. Dying for freedom. I wanna drive, and drive right out of town. Just keep on going with whatever gas I have. Start a new life somewhere, with a different identity where no one knows me.
If only things were that simple. If only I had less things tying me down, making me feel guilty if I were ever to leave them.

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