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The SDC...

A main supplier of Dust to the world which was found by Nicholas Schnee after the Grest War in Mantle. Having led numerous expeditions around the world to find Dust veins, Nicholas earned praise and respect throughout the Kingdoms, while also greatly expanding his company. However as time passed, Nicholas began to grow weary. His family missed him and his health was failing. The old man needed somebody to take over the SDC for him while he was gone. His daughter, Willow, wasn't so sure about doing it herself but another man named Jacques apparently managed to convince him to allow him to do it, resulting in a loveless marriage and Jacques becoming a Schnee. While the company's profits did grow exponentially that was only because Jacques used less-than-ethical practices, such as the use of cheap labor, allowing dangerous working conditions, possible monopolies, and having shady business partners. Aside from that, the SDC is known for its bad reputation and its bloody war with the White Fang, a terrorist group of Faunus, most of which are probably a part of it due to the SDC using Faunus labor. All that shit only led to bad things and it was all Jacques' fault.

Apart from being the head of the company, Jacques' whole family situation was not good either. He never even bothered spending time with his wife and even when he did, the two always argued with each other and she ended up resorting to alcoholism due to all her father's company has turned to. Jacques' had a bad relationship with all his kids, though he did have a close relationship to Whitley, the youngest of his four children.

But, there was one child who just about the whole family treated horribly.

F/n Schnee, the second oldest and the first son of the Schnee family.

About six years after he was born, the family started to treat him horribly. They beat him, called him a disgrace to the Schnee Family, forced him to do slave work for them, and locked him in a cell, increasing the negativity in the family itself. While Jacques, Willow, Winter, and Whitley hated him, Weiss didn't. The young girl actually loved her older brother and wanted to play with him every once in a while, but the whole family didn't want her to be near F/n because they thought Weiss would end up being influenced by the "Mistake Child that is F/n". Well, sometimes doing something bad in the past would lead to a bad consequence in the future.

(F/n's POV)(12-Year Old F/n)

*groans* I swear to Oum I can't wait to get older. Treating me horrible out of everybody else? I mean, I never did anything bad in the first place. All Willow did was push me out her vagina and then six years later, I start to get beatings, insults, and such. Then, they say I'm a complete failure and that I will never be successful in anything. Hm. Just you all wait then.

(No One's POV)

F/n was seen sitting down on his cold cell bed with an angered look on his face.

F/n:Tch. I swear I wish I was somebody else other than a Schnee. This family is nothing but racist and egotistical. *sighs* At least, Weiss is somebody I can love.

As F/n sat there, he heard somebody come down and he looked up to see Weiss.

Weiss:Hey, brother.

F/n:*smiles* Hey, Weiss. What are you doing?

Weiss:I just wanted to see if you were okay.

F/n:I'm fine, sis. You know something?


F/n:Our family is nothing but racist and egotistical bastards. Well, almost all of them. At least, you have no sign of being a racist. That's what makes you a sweet little sister of mine.

Broken Glyph:RWBY Harem x Abused Male Schnee ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now