New Students!

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F/n was seen talking to some Human and Faunus employees.

F/n:So, I see you all are willing to work into the evironments of my Dust quarries. Well, I never thought of that before. Since you all are willing to, I have a wage system set up. Jackass Schnee lied about this, but I'm not lying. Under my control, both Humans and Faunus will be getting paid the exact same wages. So in return for your intense work of mining Dust for Remnant, all of you will be getting paid highly.

All of them then clapped and cheered for F/n.

F/n:*If those two could see me now, they would be so depressed they would be crying blood.*

Later, F/n was seen watching business go on in one of the Dust quarries. Humans and Faunus were seen mining for Dust while Ironwood's robots stood guard with rifles.

F/n:*sighs in relief* Jackass would've hate to see this happening to "his" company. Speaking of that...


F/n was seen kneeling in front of his "father" and "brother", showing them a video of what happening in the Dust quarry as well as what else he did with the company.

F/n:*laughs* How do you feel, Jackass? You seriously thought I was joking when I said I would fix what you destroyed?

Jacques(angered):You ruined the whole company, F/n! You ruined everything!

F/n:*chuckles* If by ruined you mean "Fixed everything wrong with the company, repairing the company's reputation, and getting the praise you never deserved", then you're right. I did "ruin" the company. Makes sense since *jabs his finger at him* YOU ruined the company in the first place.

Jacques(angered):I don't give a damn about that! Now, I seriously wished that...

F/n:...I was never your son. I get it. Well, I seriously wished Willow didn't have to be in a loveless marriage with someone like you and give birth to some creature like that.

F/n pointed at Whitley on that last word, who was too upset to say a damn thing to him.

F/n:So...I say you two enjoy yourselves now. I hope you two cry so much blood you end up facing near-death multiple times. See you never.

F/n then left with Sienna.

F/n:You Faunus really did a number on those two bastards.

Sienna:You can't say they didn't deserve it, F/n.

F/n:You're right. Well, I was thinking something.

Sienna:Go ahead and state it.

F/n:Since I've earned your trust and the trust of the Faunus, I was hoping that you and I can meet later so we can perhaps form a truce between the SDC and the White Fang.

Sienna took some time to think about it.

Sienna:Sure then. When do you want to meet up?

F/n:Hmm, a few days from now. Is that okay?

Sienna:*smiles* Alright, F/n.

F/n then extended his hand towards her and Sienna didn't hesitate to shake it.

Sienna:You know? You're seriously the nicest human I've ever met in my life.

F/n:Surprising that the human is a Schnee. Well, I have some business to do. Have a nice day.

F/n then parted ways with Sienna.


F/n was seen back in his classroom, grading some tests on his own desk. When he was finishing up...

Glynda:Mr. L/n.

F/n:Yes, Glynda?

Glynda:We have some new students. Come over and introduce yourself.

F/n stood up from his desk and went over to meet the four young ladies that Glynda brought to meet him, noticing the red faces that appeared when he gotten closer.

F/n:Well, hello there young ladies. My name is...

??? #1:F/n L/n, right?

F/n:Well, that was quick.

??? #3:You were literally on the news, ya know. Impressive that you exposed the SDC like that and proceed on to fix it.

F/n:Well, somebody certainly had to. *Jackass and Shitley went WAY overboard with their racism.* Anyway, tell me your names then.

Nebula*smiles* I'm Nebula Violette, leader of Team NDGO.

Dew:Dew Gayl.

Gwen:Gwen Darcy.

Octavia:Octavia Ember.

F/n:Hm, really pretty names there. (The four went redder.) Anyway, I'm Professor L/n, Goodwitch's assistant teacher. Not only will I be teaching you all different combat tactics and such, but I'll also be your personal trainer in combat. Need a combat lesson? Just come to me, alright?

NDGO(in unison):Yes, sir.

F/n:*smiles* Good. Something tells me there's a great amount of potential in you all. I think you'll make great Huntresses.

Team NDGO was redder than crimson blood at this point.

NDGO(in unison):Thank you, sir.

F/n:Anyway, I have to go and finish grading some tests. I'll see you all in class tomorrow.

F/n then walked off.

NDGO:*He's even hotter up close. I wonder what the other students think about him?

The screen then went black.

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